Srinivas Ivaturi

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since Jan 28, 2003
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Recent posts by Srinivas Ivaturi

I am not SCEA (infact preparing for first part), but I feel SUN should give the requirements that match JEE. If I see a statement like "Load is low", obviously I dont tend to think using EJBs, instead of will go with something else. I see lots of different assignments being talked these days in the forum. Hope those requirements are at enterprise level (I mean to say the requirement should force to think the designer to use specific technology, that is where the actual usage of SCEA comes into the picture.).
Srinivas Ivauti.
Are you planning to complete the notes with all objectives covered?

Srinivas Ivaturi.
Using JAX-WS programming model, you can pretty much have asynchronous client to communicate to service. Find more information here.

Srinivas Ivaturi.
Using JDK API Is it possible to get solution for my problem? Because I would expect some Unicode support API being available to us.
18 years ago

I have a file contais this as data. "This is a test\u4321". When I read that file and write it into other file I want the unicode character data to be converted as "This is a test?". I used the following code but not successful.can someone help me in this?

Here is the code snippet.

BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("c:\\in.txt"), "UTF-8"));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("c:\\out.txt"), "UTF-8"));
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null ) {
// do some processing with line, and then:
catch(Exception e){

The interesting thing is when I assing the line = "This is a test\u4321" and write into file, it is writing properly as "This is a test?"

Srinivas Ivaturi
18 years ago
yes, it works for me.
18 years ago
All permissions are there for that file. I mistyped the command.
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/data1/eqa/Installdir/ssacrm1408/shared/bin/ com.test.profileloader" );

Is there any other problem that you see?

Srinivas Ivaturi
18 years ago

I am trying to execute a .sh file using Runtime.getRunTime() as below. It says that file is not found. But the file exisits in the path. Here is the code snippet I am using. The environment is any non windows environment I am getting this execption.

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/data1/eqa/Installdir/ssacrm1408/shared/bin/" com.test.profileloader );

Exception is :

err, "/data1/eqa/Installdir/ssacrm1408/shared/bin/": not found
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.forkAndExec(Native Method)
at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(
at java.lang.Runtime.execInternal(Native Method)
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
at java.lang.Runtime.exec(
18 years ago

I wonder if the topics are RSS enabled? If so it would be great. I dont see any RSS/ ATOM gif on the sub topics. But it would be handy to have RSS enabled for these topics.

Srinivas Ivaturi.
19 years ago
Can anyone look into this please.

Srinivas Ivaturi.
19 years ago

After deploying my application, I want to change the login-config.xml file using a program rather manually. Which API can I use to do that?

Srinivas Ivaturi
19 years ago

I am facing a varitey problem with ANT. I have written an ant Script which Installs me a WAR file into Tomcat. I have one more Task to uninstall also. When I use uninstall It is giving me some HTML dump on my command line and at the end it is saying BUILD FAILED. But When I check with Admin pages WAR files is uninstalled. What could be the problem with Script. Here I am pasting the script I am using.

<!-- Tomcat Ant Tasks -->
<project name="webmodulebuilder" default="uninstall" basedir=".">
<taskdef file="C:/">
<pathelement path="C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\server\lib\catalina-ant.jar"/>

<target name="uninstall" description="Remove application from Tomcat" >
<undeploy url="http://localhost:8080/manager/html"









Srinivas Ivaturi.
19 years ago

When I tried to run the Ant Build contains JACL script on WAS 6.0.2. I am getting the followinf Error. Can somebody help me in this?

Unable to parse setupCmdLine: null\bin\setupCmdLine.bat (The system cannot find
the path specified)
[wsadmin] The java class is not found: com/ibm/ws/bootstrap/WSLauncher
[wsadmin] Java Result: 1

Srinivas Ivaturi.
19 years ago

I want to do Shared Library setting for my Jboss Server. My constraints are I have a constraint that the libraries should be loaded by application level classloader. It means that
1. I cannot put them in <<Jboss Home>>/bin/run.bat JBOSS_CLASSPATH
2. I cannot put them in <<Jboss Home>>/lib

Is there any possible way to do this in Jboss. I am using Jboss 3.2.6 version. There is similar concept available in Websphere Shared Libraries where we can add the folder contains the JAR files to shared libraries and tell that folder as Shared Library to specific application.

For reference

Can I do the same way in Jboss?

Thanks for your time and help in advance
Srinivas Ivaturi.
19 years ago