Patrick Hughes

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since Oct 03, 2024
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I am attempting to update my enterprise level application to Spring Boot 2.7.5 with Spring Security 5.7.4 and I am running into a couple different CORS issues. The first is a 302 Found redirect when trying to use any API endpoints, I have not experienced this in a week so maybe it's been resolved but I'm not sure, and the other is a 403 invalid preflight with missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin header which I am currently dealing with.

The reason for the update is because sometimes when deploying to a Tomcat 9 server, the created WAR files either do not even run, or they say they are running but none of the API endpoints are exposed. I'm beginning to think the update won't have an impact on them.

How would I configure my SecurityConfig class to utilize my custom filters and overcome the CORS issues I am dealing with?

SecurityConfig implementation

Custom CORS Filter
1 month ago