Originally posted by Hafizur Rahman:
Hi Alain Hsiung
Thanks for ur nice comments & insight and sharing ur experience.![]()
I am already going on with ur suggested path. I feel glad that I am on the right way.
You have a long successful career.CONGRATULATIONS. But I just started(2yr.). Suppose I have passed the exam. Can it help me to be a J2EE architect immidiately? I know that Architect is more a strategic position than a technical one in some companies even today. So taking the exam is not a good choice for me, but the preparing is. BUT I AM EAGER TO TAKE. HOW CAN I JUSTIFY?![]()
How about this?
I need more 3/4 months for Part I.
+ 6/8 months for Part II/III.
More one year of experience.
I can study some open source projects and get idea about architectural considerations for medium/big projects. I am a SCJP with 94%. I have some general/hands on practising experience for J2EE platform [architecture and API]. Does it look sound 3+yr. experience for a J2EE architect? I am already leading some projects.
Again thanks.
Originally posted by sh yh:
Hi Alain,
One question for your: Did you show any Entity EJBs in your Component Diagram(s)?
Originally posted by Hafizur Rahman:
I m planning to prepare for the exam. My professional experience is little. But I am confident that I can overcome. However, would u plz briefly let me know ur insight about taking the exam without having much experience?
If u don't mind, would u let us know ur experience? Hope I get some light.
Originally posted by Raj Raj:
Hi Alian thaks for your answer ....
Have got more questions on Component Diagram ... Am not able to find much of the material on that ...Also lot of material gives wrong information ...
-- Did you showed component Diagram with Nodes ?
-- I am bit confused how to show the protocols like TCP/IP,JAX-RPC etc... Do we need to show that in component Diagrams, because that is the part of the Deployment Diagram. Did you showed all that stuff ? I am asking that because Fowler Book example (UML Distelled) showed in that form. So am bit confused ....
-- Also I have component e.g Business Delegate ... Which I want to show as a component of web container and at the same time as a component of application client. How to depict that behavior in the component Diagram...
Thank you in advance you r really helpful...
Originally posted by Raj Raj:
Congrats Alain
Have got questions ...
1) What level of details are need in the class diagram. Is it necessary to show all the attributes/operation for the class.
2) Do the class diagram needs to be J2EE dependent (means show the EntityEJBs,SessionEJBs,etc). If it is J2EE independent then do we need to show the command classes as simple classes and make that SessionEntityEJBs in the component Diagram.
3) JSPs can be a different component but how about the application client. Can the application client be shown as a component or need to create a Class Diagrams for that too.
4) Do we need to create the package diagram
5) In sequence diagram for each different type of client do we need to show the different sequence diagram or can be represented as a "Client".
6) Can class diagram and component diagrams can be broken into multiple diagrams or needs to be shown as single diagram.
Answer to above questions are truely appreciated. Do not need the specifics but any suggestions will be helpful.
Thanks in advance for the help
Originally posted by allison ai:
Hi Alain, Thanks so very much for your reply! I got too busy with other stuff and had not checked the forum for a couple of days. Your reply has clarified things for me. One more question, could you please point to a source, with a component diagram example would be ideal, that illustrates (at least to a certain degree if not completely) your understanding of component diagrams, which seems to be in accordance with that adopted by the assignment. Thanks again!
Originally posted by sh yh:
Hi Alain,
I have one question which would happen in a real-world application. Assume there is a LoginProcessor for processing clients' logins through different kinds of UIs. Will you present this LoginProcessor as a Session Bean or just a Plain Old Java Object? Thank you.
Originally posted by Pijush Das:
Congrats on your great success!!
As I'm working on part 2, I've question for you.
1.How do you incorporate TransMaster(Credit Card Authentication System)into your diagram?
2.For alternative flow did you draw seperate sequence diagram?
3.What is meant by "Equipment" (Specified in the BDM) in flight?
I would be thankful for your reply.
Thanks in advance,
Originally posted by allison ai:
Congrats, Alian!
I have been struggling with the component diagram(s) for a while. I would appreciate your comments very much and thanks in advance!
The component diagram counts a significant portion of the total score, so it should be fairly complex, at least when compared to the sequence diagrams. But my component diagrams are more like those in the Case Study chapter of Cade's Study Guide book, i.e. they look quite straightforward and simple: no specific JSPs, Servlets, or EJBs, only components (abstraction entities, each contains specific JSPs, Servlets, or EJBs). For example, my diagrams contain basic components like user view, web controller, request filter, EJB controller, session facade, etc.
What troubles me are the two generic issues regarding component diagrams in UML (I hope my questions are not revealing the specifics of the assignment too much):
1. How to include all JSPs, Servlets, and EJBs in component diagrams in general UML drawing? My reading of the requirement is to include all SPECIFIC JSP pages, Servlets, EJBs and other JavaBeans in the diagram. Am I right? But I thought a component diagram is a way of showing how the application is broken down into different components (more like sub-systems, not individual objects) and how those components interact with / depend on one another. I have been searching other books and online resources, but not found answers yet. What I have done so far is to list those individual concrete objects under the components they belong to as a note under each diagram. E.g., a search JSP page belongs to the user view component. I doubt this is the right way to do it.
2. How to show the design patterns in component diagrams? E.g. a command pattern is implemented by a couple of specific objects, which all belong to the EJB controller component in my design. Since those concrete objects are not shown in my diagram, but only listed in the note attached to the diagram, how can the command pattern be illustrated in the diagram then? Since I have included all specific objects in my class diagram, including JSPs and Servlets, the patterns are shown more clearly there. But again, I am not sure if it is acceptable.
Thanks again!
Originally posted by Roger Zacharias:
Hi Alain,
Concerning your class-diagram (I think this is the crux in most assignments and you have negotiated it):
- Did you show attributes and ops in the class diagram?
- How many classes do you have?
- Have you changed the BDM?
- Have you consolidated some BDM classes?
Best regards
Originally posted by sh yh:
congratulations alain!
I couldn't figure out a clean way to express the idea of scalability or performance in either a class diagram, a component diagram, or a sequence diagram. Did you stress scalability or performance in any of your diagram?
Originally posted by Bijan Mohanty:
Hi Alain,
Thanks again for your input. I have one last question. Did you draw all the jsps in both Component and Sequence diagrams or created one subsystem like GUI subsystem in the diagrams ? Drawing all the JSPs in the component diagram is kinda cluttering my diagram.
Thanks lot.
Originally posted by Bijan Mohanty:
Hi Alain,
Congratulation for your excellent score and thanks a lot for those informative replies. I have a question on your component diagram. Did you draw all the MVC2 classes in your component diagrams ? What I meant that did you just draw one Abstract Action class in your diagram or drew all the concrete Action classes(For example CreateUserAction etc.) in addition to the interfaces and the Abstract action sand the concrete actions that extends the abstract Action.
Also did you include the WAF(MVC2) classes in your class diagram or you kept it pure domain specific only.
Thanks a bunch in advance.
Originally posted by Jai Thomas:
Hi Alain,
One quick question for you. You have mentioned earlier that you did only one component diagarm. How did you manage to depict all classes in one component diagram without cluttering it? I am thinking of splitting mine into two or three. Do you see a problem with that? (I noticed that the assigment uses the singular term 'Component Diagram')
Thanks in advance