John Dunn

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since Jan 30, 2003
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Recent posts by John Dunn

A bit late, but google the polar bear club and you can do it throughout the U.S.
17 years ago
as well as a NY Yankee fan!
17 years ago
Can Tomcat 6 run with java 1.6?
17 years ago
My kids LOVE the No David books. When I want to REALLY tell them not to do something I say "NO DAVID!!!" and they get the meaning. They have them completely memorized and still love them.
17 years ago
Oh Lord. I hope he never gets a kick outta sniffin' paint!

I'm envious that you could even come up with something like that. :-)
17 years ago
As in: I want "something with balls inside"; which OF COURSE is my son's way of telling me he wants Tapioca.
17 years ago
The "J-Lo" posts were dead on.

Badunk, (as one side goes up), and adunk, (as the other side goes down).
Here's one...
17 years ago
Does anyone here like it?
17 years ago
People with sh** on their shoes, NEED a doormat.

If it ain't workin' out, it ain't working out...
(in regards to two lovebirds that keep fighting)
17 years ago
As soon as I tire of my phone or iPod (nano), I'll trade 'em in for the single device. I'm no fan of the bat belt or pocketbook, so I like the single device.
17 years ago
Don't forget to factor in when you'll upgrade. ...and let's face it - you will.
17 years ago
Red Bull is awesome! ...for those times you're tired but still want to hang out and drink more beers. GingerAle and RB is good, or two straight up will definitely let me hang for the duration - especially if I've had a few very late nights. I know many people who drink it the same way.

Seems like all you guys are showing your true colors... I mean taste, schmaste. Who CARES if it tastes good!! It Works!!!

thank you.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Frank Silbermann:
Proof that KKK members (a 140 year-old racist organization that has a history of using lashings, bombs, arson and murder to intimidate their opponents) are stupid: If they were smart, then instead of burning (lighting) a cross on someone's lawn to frighten him they'd leave a burning American flag!

(At worst, those Americans who defend flag-burning as a form of Constitutionally-protected free speech might go after the KKK for copywright infringement.)

If anyone ever lights a cross on my lawn, I vow to leave it in the ground. I will plant African violets around it. Maybe even put a Dove's cage.

and btw, (no pun intended), I like it hot

[ May 16, 2007: Message edited by: John Dunn ]
17 years ago