This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

Kiran Kumar P

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since Jan 31, 2003
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Recent posts by Kiran Kumar P

Tr.class is part of ras.jar. Can you try troubleshooting the class loader through admin console. Try to find out the path from the jar files are loaded.
16 years ago
I have seen similar issues with RAD 6.0. Please try deleting your MANIFEST.MF and try adding the jar dependencies afresh.
16 years ago
If you are using WSAD test server environment:-

1. Open your server configurarion
2. Select Enviroment tab
3. Add your jar in "WebSphere specific class path"
18 years ago
You can use you own custom tags to extend struts functionality. I dont have a sample code, but i can tell you how to approach this:-

1. Pass role as a parameter to your custom tag ( I assume you will have this in your JSP page)
2. in the doStartTag of your custom tag class, read this attribute and decide whether to show the text box or not
18 years ago
RAD 6 will be the best choice if you have money for buying the software and hardware (It requires 2 GB RAM for smooth development).
18 years ago
Best way to automate the deploy process will be to use jacl scripts provided by IBM.

Please refer Command-line administration and scripting topic in IBM System Management and Configuration HandBook -
18 years ago
Adding to your WEB-INF/lib directory also should solve the problem.
18 years ago
The basic difference as Hans mentioned is struts is a "application framework" and JSF is a "UI Framework"

In a web application framework like Struts, the interfaces are more kind of "Generic".Struts can recognize only
only one event - "HTTP REQUEST".

In a UI framework, there are many events like "Button clicked","Combo selected" etc.And there are listeners
for each of this event, which will perform different actions based on the event.
20 years ago
Doing both doesn't make any sense.You should either catch it or throw it.
Can't say anything by looking at the exception.
Can you please send the code..
20 years ago
No..You can't.
Websphere 4.0 doesn't support struts 1.1
20 years ago
When we cast the lookup object to the homeinterface class,what handle we are getting?Is it a home interface handle or home interface stub handle?
Thanks and Regards,
I came to know that WAS4.0 has no direct support for JAAS.Is there any plugins or patches which can enable jaas in WAS4.0?
thanx and regards,
21 years ago
Thanks for ur reply Kyle..
In the setupclient.bat which is called by launchclient.bat,i have given the target machine name where websphere is running..
The example i tried is the one which comes with j2ee application client 5.0.When i ran launchclient.bat this is the exception i got...
The server may not be setup correctly. Exception occurred while the JNDI NamingManager was processing a javax.naming.Reference object.Root exception is javax.naming.CommunicationException: A communication failure occurred while attempting to obtain an initial context using the provider url: "corbaloc:iiop:". Make sure that the host and port information is c
orrect and that the server identified by the provider url is a running name server. If no port number is specified, the default port number 2809 is used. Other possible causes include the network environment or workstation network configuration. Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: WRITE_ERROR_SEND_1 minor
code: 49421050 completed: No at at
Websphere 5.0 application server is running on the target machine..
Thanx and Regards,
21 years ago