dsw dsw

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since Jan 31, 2003
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Recent posts by dsw dsw

Within jsp how do i check if the netscape version is 6 and higher and IE version is 5.5 or higher.
21 years ago
Let me explain the problem more clearly.
I have a field where the user enters the field in mm/dd/yyyy format. I use the tolocaleString to convert the date/time in the regional format.
For example if i enter the date as 1/12/2003.
Then it automatically converts the date as
Sunday, January 12, 2003 12:00:00 AM if my settings are in English. It gets converted to equivalent date and time if the setting is french and so on.
I want to write a function which validates this date and time Sunday, January 12, 2003 12:00:00 AM
is valid or not.
Let me know if you need additional clarification.
21 years ago
I have a field which displays the date in the local time . I want to write a function to validate if the date and time is correct .How do i accomplish this. This should take care of all languages not only english.
I am using the toLocaleString() function to convert the date to the local time .
I would really appreciate your Input on this.
21 years ago
I have a jsp file with an image . I want to modify the code such that the image gets disabled if say x=true. How do i accomlish this .
This is the code .I am not able to put lessthan and greater than symbols in this html page. So i have removed them.
IMG SRC=strName;/images/name_bullet.gif' ALT="Name"
22 years ago
I have an application which creates a frame/window. I have deployed a java application withhin the frame. This java application has jsp pages too. When i click on the tabs within the jsp file. It occupies the entire window instead of occupying just the frame. Any suggestions ?
22 years ago
I am expereincing the same problems when trying to run http://localhost/demo.
The servlet examples works fine.But the jsp dont work.
I am using iis 5.0 and Jrun 3.1 . Does anybody have any suggestions.
22 years ago