Laura Brown

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since Feb 04, 2003
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There is a problem with the updates of existing records that can be solved using a dummy query (query something small and don't to do anything with the results). But from my experience and a couple other posts I've found (with massive searching) there is also a bug in the odbc driver for Access that comes with Windows 2000 service pack 2 (not sure if it's in the earlier sp's or not). I solved my problem by installing sp3. I believe you can also download the mdac package from microsoft at
and get the driver from it. I don't know if this will interfere with anything else though.
What version of Access are you using? What version of Windows?
I have been struggling with problems updating existing records as well. New records were fine, just existing ones were not being updated even though the jdbc calls returned like they were updated. I'm stuck using Access, so I couldn't get around it! I tried the dummy query to no avail. Due to major time crunch on my project I resorted to the RmiJdbc server "adapter" to bypass this problem so I could continue development at least. Finally today I fixed the update problem.
From what I have found, there is a bug in the odbc driver that comes with windows 2000 Service Pack 2. I don't know if this applies to any other setup but I upgraded to Service Pack 3 and while I still have to force the update with a dummy query, it does work. You can download the latest MDAC package (free on microsoft at the URL below) to get the driver from there although I don't know if this will cause other problems (highly likely considering it's Microsoft).