Somehow you browser should understand how to interpret response it is getting this can be done in one of the two ways.
1) You can required user to tell you the character set in case of browser it can be done by view encoding setting and user can try different character set till the response(display) makes sense for him
2) You can set charset in content-type header
So in the jar file for that kind of bean, there will be both remote and local interfaces - 2 files and (local) home interfaces another 2 files and 1 bean class file will total 5 files for that bean? How about the deployement - DD for that kind of bean? Is it diff or the same with regular bean?
If the bean throws application exception, container throws exception to client but does not rollback transaction. What can client do if it was CMT bean (remember CMT transaction ends when the method ends?). So what we will get... we pass control to the client and the transaction is still not rolled back? How can that be with CMT?