Daniel Iszatt

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since Feb 08, 2003
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Recent posts by Daniel Iszatt

Thanks. That will help me sort things out. I'll try playing about with it 2morrow at work.
Thanks again.
Thankyou for that. It looks good.
I'll try it out next time I'm at work.
21 years ago
I have a JSP page that has a JSP code fragment that fills up a string variable.
I also have some functions in JavaScript that need to use the string varaible as the input.
Can I use this a string variable from JSP in JavaScript? If so How?
Qu 2) The result from my JavaScript function will also be a String. I want to send that string as a hidden field in a form. How do I access JavaScript variables in HTML to be posted in a form?
Firstly I am new to JavaScript.
I have a JSP page.
There is a chunk of JSP code that creates a String variable.
On this page there is also a chunk of code that I was given with encode and decode functions. These functions take a pair of strings and encrypt them. 1 Of the stings that I need to use in this function is created via JSP code.
So I need to get this JSP String variable to work in the encode function.
I know how to display JSP strings in HTML - but I dont know how to use them in JavaScript. Is it possible?
Also with the result of the encode function that is in JavaScript - I need to send the result in a form on that page.
My second question is how do you access JavaScript variables in HTML so that I can send it via a hidden value in a form?
21 years ago