Dave Trower

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 12, 2003
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Recent posts by Dave Trower

We have been using JMeter for to do testing of our APIs. Jmeter will send a test request to a certain host and port number and show you the reply. However, we are starting to move our APIs over to microservices. For microservices, the port number is randomly assigned by the registry. Any client calling the API will have to get the port number from the registry.
I have not found a way for JMeter to use the registry. Can that be done or is there another product like JMeter be used that can use a registry?
8 years ago
I got my certificate today.
10 years ago
You sound like you would be a good candidate for a club called Toastmasters. In Toastmasters, you practice giving presentations. That way when you do it outside of Toastmasters, it does not seem like a big deal. More reliable method than alcohol. I have tried both.
10 years ago
For the JUnit test, I had to add sleep statements to the test in order for it to work. Sometimes the app takes a couple seconds to start in the Emulator and the JUnit would fail and with the assertion that the "Start Activity Two" button does not exist. Simularly, when the emulator would click on a button it would take a couple seconds for the screen to populate so the JUnit test would fail and say my count was wrong. Adding sleep statements fixed all of this.
10 years ago
I figured out the problem. I was converting a date field from a log file into a java timestamp object. There is was a bug in the code and dates like 1/24/14 were treated like the date on January 24 on year 14 instead of year 2014. Once I corrected the convertion problem, my Oracle exception went away.
I have written a simple java program that inserts database records into a database. The program works most of the time but I occassionaly get the error:
Runtime exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Assertion botch: negative time

My java machine is on the Central Time zone and the database itself is on Pacific Time zone.
I did some research online and one person said this problem is time zone related but I did not understand how to fix the problem.
The record that I time trying to insert is this one:
Record that causes the exception is as follows:
ExceptionRecord [hostname=lion.odc.vzwcorp.com, logFile=/log/srv01_epb02/SystemOut.log, time=1/24/14 23:53:47:491 PST, exception=org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException:]

I have signed up. I am also taking the easier android class from Coursera. I am glad I did since I now have the environment setup and I know some of the basics.
11 years ago
I saw the movie trailer for Gravity at the IMAX. The trailer is intense.
11 years ago
I am in the process of taking the Coursera class called "Introduction to Data Science". We got to practive hadoop on Amazon's platform.
You would probably like this class if it it comes around again.
Course Page
11 years ago
I need to call a web service as a client from a web logic server.
I took the WSDL and used Apache Axis to generate the java stubs.
Then I wrote some java to make the web service call.
I tested my java code by writing a small JUnit test and everything worked.

Then I put all my code into a EAR file and deployed it to a weblogic server and the code did not work.
I then looked at the XML generated by each process

JUnit Test (Works)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<UserCredential xmlns="http://api.erecyclingcorps.com" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
<password xmlns="">secret</password>
<username xmlns="">user</username>
<api:GetToken xmlns:api="http://api.erecyclingcorps.com">
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>

XML coming from WebLogic (Does not work)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<UserCredential xmlns="http://api.erecyclingcorps.com" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">
<password xmlns="">secret</password>
<api:GetToken xmlns:api="http://api.erecyclingcorps.com">
<companyName>WEST MYBIZ TEST ACCT-PINK</companyName>
<emailAddress>[email protected]</emailAddress>

Notice that the namespace is incorrect for the username element when the code is called from weblogic.
I do not understand why the same code would behave differently when called from weblogic.
This causes the web service server to reject the request with the error message "username is required".
Anyone see this problem before
11 years ago
I think there would be 199,000 handshakes.
The formula is (n*(n-1))/2

12 years ago
The is in base64.
You can decode it here:
Base 64 decoder
So copy: OikgTm8sT1Aga25ldyB0aGUgYW5zd2VyLGhlIHdhbnRlZCB0byBnaXZlIHBlb3BsZSBhICJmdW4gdGFzayIgZm9yIHRoZSB3ZWVrZW5kIQ==
into the text box and select "decode"
And you get this:
No,OP knew the answer,he wanted to give people a "fun task" for the weekend!
12 years ago
There is another company called Coursera that is doing the same type of thing as "Khan Academy" that I really like. Coursera is geared more for College students and the classes last for a periods of weeks.If you successfully complete the class, you get an e-mail stating this.
I have successfully completed two classes.
Here are my thoughts about free online education:
1) It is free.
2) You can watch the videos at any time and from your computer.
1) In general you cannot ask the instructor a question. You can get an answer from another student but they are also taking the same class and perhaps do not know much more than you do.
2) You cannot get College credit.

If you are like me, not interested in earning another degree but still interesting in learning, then "Khan Academy", Coursera, Udacity, eDX, etc might be a good option.
I think of it as an alternative to buying and reading a book.
It will not replace education nor will anyone be that impressed if you pass a class like this. But I still like it.
I previously made a post about it in MD but my post was moved to "Blatant Advertising"
The post is here
Post About Coursera
12 years ago
I just completed a class in cryptography from a company called Coursera. Coursera offers free college level classes over the Internet. You do not get college credit, but you will get “Statement of Accomplishment” if you get above a certain score. The class consist of watching videos of lectures and completing problem sets. The problem sets are auto graded. For this class there was also optional programming assignments where you write a program that produces an answer. You then copy and paste the answer to the auto grader and it tells if you are correct or not. This is a similar concept to the problems at the Euler site. I did the programs in Java but they could be done in any language.
Here is a link to the site: Coursera site
12 years ago
I had a Facebook post that had a link to a Venn diagram.
Nerd Venn Diagram
12 years ago