Martin Swift

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since Feb 13, 2003
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I have a design question. I am about to write a program that collects information from an end user and then store this information somewhere.
The most effective, and commonly used solution to this would be to store the gathered information in a database. But how should I do this in a platform independent way and so the solution is transparent to the end-user?
Is it a good solution to ship the application with a small footprint database written in Java, Is there any open source solution I could use?
Maybe I don�t need a database at all, can I use XML or properties files instead?
I would greatly appreciate some suggestions or thoughts on this subject
Regards Martin
20 years ago
Thank you for your reply
Sorry, If my question was a bit unclear.
Is there any possability to setup the DSN via Java code and not via the control panel. For instance via ODBCconfig or in some other way?
Hi all
Do I have to setup the ODBC bridge to MS Access manually or can this be done in some onther way?
One suggestion is to look at the API if there is any, and only use the packages or classes required. This could be a bit tedious and I think it is a much better idea to include all tools needed in a lib dir within your jar-distro.
20 years ago
I've found the same thing, I am sorry to say :-(
20 years ago
That sounds great :-)
Can you please give some information on how you solved this problem.
20 years ago
Thank you for your effort Dirk, but it does not work. :-(
20 years ago
Hello !

I have the same problem. After posting a question in this forum and trying Dirks example to solve the problem I have concluded that this is not possible, not in the way Dirk suggests anyway.
BTW, Have you tried your example on another computer Dirk? Where the included jar is not present? I think you will find that it will not execute. But I hope that I am wrong,
Since the feature of including jar files (probably third party APIs packaged as jar files) inside other jar files seems to be a popular subject. Maybe someone with the knowledge and time could clarify how to destitute Java applications that is dependent on third party APIs in an easy and maintainable manner. Is the solution to package the application, and required Jars in a jar file that the end user have to unpack? Or is it better to write a new class loader, Or to use Web-start ???
Any comments appreciated!!!
20 years ago
I have a Jar file, myjar.jar that need other classes inside another jar file to execute, I call this second Jar file classes.jar.
I would like to set the classpath to a lib dir inside the jar file myjar.jar, like this:
Class-Path: /lib/classes.jar
I've managed to do this with the -m command jar -cmf ...
But it seems like I need to supply the jar file classes.jar separatly to get it to work. I really need to package everything in one jar, it is much easier to distribute my application this way. Can this be done?
Thank you !!!
20 years ago
I have tried to find the answer to my problem in earlier post on Javaranch without any luck.
I need to communicate with a server that has SSL support. I have written a small application for this. In this application I have implemented the HostnameVerifier interface, but the class implementing the interface never gets called. According to the API doc the verify method in the implementation of the interface shall be called if the URL's hostname and the server's identification hostname mismatch. Is this the same thing as if to say that this method is called when a non-trusted cert is recovered or a cert that cannot be found in the �cacerts� file ? Please help me figure out how this works!
BTW, The application works on some https sites, like verisign. So I do not know if it is something wrong with my app or if I have misunderstood how to use https. Probably the latter :-(

Thank you !!!
20 years ago
Thank you !
Isn�t a good idea to pass the ArrayList as an argument to the function, like this?

In your version there is no point in using a collection or am I mistaken?
20 years ago
I am trying to read dirs whitin dirs with the following attached funcion. The second time I call the function no subdirs are found. If someone have any suggestions pleas help me.
Thank you
20 years ago
Greetings all
Does anyone know where to find free online tutorials for J2EE/EJB I have managed to find the following: