emma quinn

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since Feb 13, 2003
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Recent posts by emma quinn

I'm trying to pass in a value to the empty tag <ds: Modulus> </ds:Modulus>..brief structure of the xml below:

the Java code:

When it executes the getNodeName; the println returns a value of #text.
I'm not too sure what this means. I'm trying to figure out how to pass the string as a value of the ds:Modulus tag.
I was thinking of using the setNodeValue but this is of type Node.
I'm just really unsure how to go about doing this
Please help - it would be unbelieveably appreciated.
If anyone can do this for me and it works, I will give them my programmatically created keystore/keypair/extracting
keys from keystore and breaking them down into modulus and exponents.
Or I can will have the A*Search algorithm up and running tomorrow
if that's preferred.
[ May 23, 2003: Message edited by: Cindy Glass ]
It's declared here:

and used here:

the values of the BigIntegers then need to get passed into another class (RegisterNode). In the RegisterNode class, for now anyway, to test if the value of the BigIntegers can be seen I'm just performing a System.out, but it's returning null pointer.
21 years ago
hi people
I have a BigInteger variable bigInt1 holding a value in GetNode class. I need to be able to pass this variable still holding that value into another class - the RegisterNode class. When I try using that variable in RegisterNode, I just get null pointer exceptions. The RegisterNode class is already inheriting the GetNode class. I have my main set up as follows...not sure if this has anything to do with it.

bigInt1 is declared globally and is held in a public method in the GetNode class.
21 years ago
. I have the modulus and exponent of a private key stored as BigIntegers as such:

Those BigIntegers then need to get passed as a value to two XML nodes

....and look something like the above.
Not too sure as how to go about passing the values into specific nodes. Any ideas???

21 years ago