Vijay Jagannathan

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since Feb 17, 2003
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Recent posts by Vijay Jagannathan

I suppose this is where soft skills come into play. To be a manager, the most important thing is people management. Of course, the developer / programmer will also need to have the technical skills to look at a project as a large picture and make decisions to lead the same....

Question -- I want to simulate t1 and t2 to simultaneously do something on a single object, but I just don't know how to exactly let them start at the same time. For the above code, will t1 and t2 start at the same time ? or will t1 start "little" bit earlier than t2 does ?

We cannot be really sure whether t1 or t2 will start first. It depends on the VM and other various factors.
Check out

strong vs. weak typing

This distinction refers to the behavior of the language when values are operated on. In a strongly typed language, operations must match the types of the values operated on (addition must be performed on numbers, for example). In weakly typed languages operations might be made on values which are inappropriate.

18 years ago
Thanks for the info guys.
Its been really helpful.

18 years ago

Would you be kind enough to tell me the other situations when these happen?

18 years ago

I am trying to debug a "corba server written in java" application in eclipse which needs to run some corba-orbix commands before coming to java. Without this, my java code is not able to connect to corba. The corba services commands are in a windows batch file(start_services.bat). Is there any way in eclipse where I can first run the ".bat" file and then start debugging so that my program can connect to corba when being debugged?

I tried starting the same in a command window but I believe that the jave environment in eclipse is not picking it up.

Can you please help?

18 years ago
Got my certification kit and Score card.
Scored 78%.

I gave the exam in Australia.

18 years ago
To elaborate on what Eddy said, use the c:redirect as follows:

18 years ago
Thank you for your comments. Sorry for not being more specific.

But what I was confused with was this:
-> When a new String is created and exists in the pool, both the new and existing String will point to the same object.

Based on this idea, when a String Object "String" is created and a second string object "String" is compared to it, it should point to the same object and the code should return a true.

For Example:

will return true.

But my code above

returns false. Does this have anything to do with the trim() function?

18 years ago

I believe that the following piece of code should give an answer true. But when complied, it gives false. Can someone please help me with this?

18 years ago
Thank you very much for clarifying this
18 years ago
Hello Ranchers,

I have been given to understand that a method signature consists of:
1> Name of the method
2> The parameter list of the method

and that the return type is not a part of this. Can you tell me if the "throws clause" is a part of the method signature?

18 years ago
Oops!! Got it working.
I restarted my machine and the admin works now.
Guess it was some kind of cacheing issue.

Thanks a million.

19 years ago
I tried all the things listed above.
But still am getting the message

Tomcat's administration web application is no longer installed by default. Download and install the "admin" package to use it.

Let me know if you managed to hit upon a solution.

19 years ago
Congratulations Nicholas