Shalu Ban

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since Feb 18, 2003
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Recent posts by Shalu Ban

Bhau Matre, the way you have explained is real cool!
20 years ago

Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:

So, starting from page 1 of vol. 1 (which the bookworm DOES NOT EAT) it eats all pages of vol. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 which adds up to 800 pages.

The question says :
Tom eats through the first page of the first colume, and eats through each book until he eats through the last page of volume ten.
So , it is 802 pages
20 years ago
I love Polar bears! But are there polar bears in the South pole (Antartica)??
20 years ago
As the books are arranged from 1 - 10 in order so from the first page of first volume to last page of tenth volume will be 1(First page of volume 1)+ 800(8 books of 100 pages are in between) + 1 (Last page of volume 10). So 1+ 800+ 1 = 802
20 years ago
Nice view there balaji

Originally posted by Balaji Loganathan:
Don't seperate politicians and the other people, No goverment employees want to do ugly things unless people go and ask for their ineligible favours (example university seats, land quota approval, certificates etc.,), it is people you are giving money to the politicians and they are not taking it by themselves from reserve.
First we can take try to be good by ourselves (in the sense being loyal and straight forward)and make our surroundings good.

Yup, you are right but the politicians should not be taking money and doing favors. If you are elected to represent people it is your responsibility to be honest. We cant change everybody who wanna get favors by influence or money. But since each MP/MLA represents a group of people they can bring about the change by being honest and working for the benefit of their constituency atleast. We become a good citizen by being loyal, straightforward and contributing to our country by being the best in whatever work we are doing. But we do desire a big change dont we? This will not be really possible unless people driven by patriotism, principles and knowledge get into politics and serve the country.
20 years ago
I know a few young talented people in other countries who want to get into politics one day. What about India? Do the educated and talented youth of India want to get involved? Or will it just go on like this full of old lazy but money making politicians? Most of us just want to bury ourselves in our work. Our involvement in Politics is just commenting on how incapable the politicians are. Do any of us want to make a difference?
[ April 20, 2004: Message edited by: Shalu Ban ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Pradeep Bhat:

which party? BTW, are u guy or a girl?

LOL!! Cant u guess what i am from my name. Isnt Shalu, a name of a girl?
or do i sound like a guy? :roll:
I voted BJP for central and Congress for State.
20 years ago
Cast the vote for the first time today. was kinda fun!
20 years ago
There is no big hope. Even if NDA comes to power. Probably they will become even more lazy and will not show any progress. We really lack a good national party who would work hard to make a big difference. We just have to select NDA/BJP cuz they are better than other parties but in no way is it a party which promises great future. There is no real enthu in voting for this election and this happens to be the first time i will be voting :roll:
20 years ago
First of all Congrats!!
Dont worry all your fears will vanish once you get used to the work. Even your employers know you are a fresh recruit and they will not be hard on you. You can achieve anything by hardwork and dedication. So if u concentrate on your work everything will go smoothly
All the best! Rest your fears and if u want you can find out what technologies your company is into mainly and try to know more about them to build up your confidence level or you can try mastering any language like C++ or Java to hone your programming skills.
20 years ago
The ultimate victims are innocent Iraqis and American soldiers who die. Who is responsible for their death? Is killing the only solution?
20 years ago
John Wright and Javed Miandad are in a Deewar type conversation:
John Wright: Aaaj mere paas sachin hai,sehwag hai,sourav hai,dravid hai,yuvraj hai,kaif haibhajji hai, kumble hai ,pathan hai,zaheer hai..............tumhare paas kya hai
Javed Miandad: Mere paas Steve Buckner hai

20 years ago
Well, i didnt modify anything. i checked the WEB-INF/lib directory it contains struts.jar. And there are no two copies of the war too.
Any ideas??
20 years ago