Jeremy Wilson

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since Feb 18, 2003
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Recent posts by Jeremy Wilson

have you checked out JFreeChart
13 years ago
In your web xml wicket is a filter not a servlet.

Have you taken a look at
14 years ago
Use the properties classes and this will allow you to load from a file url or from the classpath.
15 years ago
Can you post the detailed error and possibly some code example?
15 years ago
Anytime I have stored images for use for applications of mine I have stored them as blobs in an oracle database. That way you can use additional attributes in the table for indexing.
15 years ago
What is the best way to speed up groovy processing in general. I was wondering if there was a way to compile groovy code into java code and run the byte code with the JVM. New to groovy and not sure the best or any route to take in that manner.
16 years ago
I am wondering why you are not using Form based Authentication that is available as part of the web container. If using tomcat that are many examples on using a JDBC Realm for security.
check for a persistence.xml file on the classpath. There may be a hibernate reference in there.
I have used it to persist the state of an object to a file between shutdown and restarts of the application.
16 years ago
Take a look at the poi open source library for reading excel files. The hssf interface allows for reading and writing to cells.
In this scenario there is overridden methods. All are overloaded.
16 years ago
declare the

String strAbsentData variable as the first line in the function, not deep in the body. Take a look at scope rules for an explanation.
16 years ago