Ransika deSilva

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Recent posts by Ransika deSilva

Hi all,

I have been spending basically 5 days at a stretch now to figure out a proper way to add ssl to Glassfish so that we can create a https connection. I have went through the tutorials but it seems I didn't have luck. I got registered for the Veri sign trial certificate program. I got the certificate from them, but when I try to import it, I get an exception saying, Failed to establish chain from reply,
keytool -import -v -alias s2f -file s1as.csr -keystore keystore.jks -storepass changeit

That's the command which I executed.

Further more, I was successful enough to add the CA certificate to the browser, but I am confused at the step which adds an intermediate certificate to the glassfish server.

Could some 1 help me on this please,

Thanks and regards,
16 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I also found it before, but unfortunately that site doesn't have the necessary download.

Any way, I was just thinking, what's your idea about using EJB3 with Struts2 for a very large project, some what in the scale of Facebook.

16 years ago
Thanks for the reply, yes I agree with what you said, but still don't you think there has to be a way to integrate EJB3 directly to the Actions, with out Spring support?

16 years ago
Hi All,

I have experience in developing applications in Struts 1.2 and was part of a very large operation. In that we used Struts, Spring and Hibernate.

Now, I have got a client who is investing on developing a very (very) large project which would have a application server cluster and hopefully a database cluster as well. We are expecting 10s of 1000s of concurrent users.

Since it's truly distributed, I was thinking of going ahead with Struts2 and EJB3. I am not very convinced of using Spring and Hibernate for this much of a larger project.

But unfortunately I didn't get a proper tutorial which explains the use of EJB3 with Struts2. Most of them are using Spring and Hibernate, and 1 article was explaining the use of Guice.

What I don't understand is, Struts2 is developed as a web framework for the Java EE platform and why it doesn't directly support EJB3 integration.

Please do let me know whether I am missing something here. Have I not understood something which is obvious.

Thanks and regards,
16 years ago
Hello, J2ME doesn't allow the developer to embed the custom fonts with J2ME, what you can do is to have a PNG file with all the characters in it, and use that on a Canvas or a GameCanvas. Hope this helps.
16 years ago

The problem is when I try to access the application with the IP address from a different machine (not the server), I get a "Connection has time out". I have ADSL line and when I access the administrator console with the IP address and port 4848 from a different (not the server) machine, the page gets loaded. I am clueless to give you more details. But appreciate if you can help me out on this.

16 years ago
Hi all,
I bought a dedicated server and deployed the Java Enterprise application which I created with netbeans. Through the servers web browser if I access the Java EE app, http://localhost.... like wise, it perfectly works. But when I try to access the site from a remote web browser with the IP address (static) it doesn't work. Any idea why? I am very new to this deployment scenarios. Thanking you and regards
16 years ago
Hi, thanks for the reply. Yes good point, EJBException is thrown and then roll back happens. That's the way it should be. But the problem I am having is, when I try to add a record with the same primary key, I get this problem. I really don't know what to do, meaning, what exception which I need to capture. I am using JPA with hibernate.

Thanks and expecting a reply soon.
Hi all,
I am using JPA with hibernate in a stateless session been and and that bean is called from a servlet. I am using CMP and when ever a roll back occurs it is thrown back to the servlet as a EJBException. My problem is, since EJBException is thrown for other reasons as well, how to figure out whether it was thrown for a roll back or some other reason. At the same time, can't we catch the Transaction aborted exception in the EJB. I tried using RuntimeException in the catch clause, but it didn't work. Anticipating a reply. Thanks.
I have an EJB project where I am using a SessionBean (stateless) to persist an item, the problem I am having is, when an item is added with the same primary key value, the method is supposed to throw a EntityExistException, but it is not throwing any exception, instead the caller is thrown a EJBException, I am calling this Session Bean from a different Web project. I tried adding try/catch block in the EJB to check what exception is thrown. The catch bloack doesn't get executed even when catching the generic Exception object. I am using container managed persistence? Could you please help me out with this please. Regards
[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: Ransika deSilva ]
Hi, Congrats, I guess you are the 1st to get 100%, at least the 1st javaranch member. I have never heard any person getting 100% for SCMAD. Have seen 2 people getting 100% for SCJP. Cheers
16 years ago
Java ME supports the rtp and rtsp protocols and can be used to stream the video as well as audio from a server. Http is not the suitable protocol for streaming. Regards.
[ January 14, 2008: Message edited by: Ransika deSilva ]
17 years ago
Hi Uditha,

Unfortunately it is not possible to receive the delivery report through Java ME. Getting the delivery report is a feature of the network and Java ME doesn't have any methods to capture that. Regards
17 years ago
Thanks for the answers. Well the reason that I want to figure out a way to do this is, that there is a chance that the IP address might change in the future. So I want to have a mechanism where I can update the IP address automatically. I guess using the host name is a viable solution. Many thanks for the answers once again.
17 years ago
Hi all,
In a networking application, if the Server IP which the MIDlets connect is going to be changed, is there a way that the server can push some data and update the IP? I am thinking of specifying the server IP as a MIDlet attribute?
Thanks for your time.
17 years ago