winston lim

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since Feb 18, 2003
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Recent posts by winston lim

It seems like very few amount of developers are interested in SCMAD

Well, atleast, you are not alone.
Sometimes, what we want isn't what we need, tat's the fact, so people intend to choose what they need "currently".

winston lim.
congratulation guys!

winston lim.
Hi Ko Ko,

Oh thanks a lot. So is ur preparation? When will you take the exam?

winston lim.
Hi Naina Si,

Go to and enter "wireless messaging" as a search key, and you should find a dozen. (Just joking...)

Last time when I tried to develop some SMS application, I came across this article, I think it may be a good resource for you too.
Extend J2ME to Wireless Messaging

winston lim.
Hi Nic

May be network down, or the site has been shutdown?

winston lim.

May I know where to find FREE MOCK EXAM answer?

Laghari, Makda, Sarmad, Umar and Siddiqui,

Any idea when to update the site with answer?

winston lim.
Most of the time, I download the free-ebook from, and read the Sathya note Sathya Note. I also "nearly" finish reading the J2ME specification on those chapter required by the exam(cox the purpose for me to take this exam is to score rather than just passing the exam, Currently I'm trying the mock exam from J2ME certification.

winston lim.
What happen to It seems not accessible anymore?

winston lim.

Is J2ME going to be big

Yes, more and more application has been developed for M2M(machine to machine or machine to human) based on J2ME technology, besides mobile phone application.

However, personally, just J2ME wouldn't complete the whole puzzle, we need J2EE to complement it. Java is EVERYWHERE!

winston lim.

Seems like the SCMAD(38 of 68 questions) exam is more difficult to pass and score as compare to SCDJWS(Web Services Certification, 47 of 69 questions)?

So, Sun trying to push J2EE platform harder than its J2ME platform?

winston lim.
Wow! Welcome! Sathya & Siva!

The SCMAD notes is a MUST for my exam preparation! Just hope to pass and score next month.

winston lim.

Enthuware used to have good simulators for Java Technology

Which exam kits have u bought from Enthuware?

price is reasonable

This one, I agree.

not like Whizlabs kit

Sincerely, I didn't try the full set of Whizlabs kit, nor Enthuware. I download the Whizlab trial version, but quite large file with quite little question.

Ahrr, by the way, may be you could register the Whizlabs exam kit forum,
they are giving away 50% discount to participant randomly, you might get a cheaper one, who's know?

winston lim.