This week's book giveaway is in the Java in General forum.
We're giving away four copies of Helidon Revealed: A Practical Guide to Oracle’s Microservices Framework and have Michael Redlich on-line!
See this thread for details.

faisal ishaque

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since Feb 21, 2003
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Recent posts by faisal ishaque

I have successfully get and display arabic and russian charaters from JSP with UTF-8 charset setting, but i am facing problem while storing the non ascii charaters on oracle using JDBC.
When i insert the record and fetched it from sql plus then garbage charaters were returned.

Kindly help me in this regard on urgent basis.

I am unable to store arabic words in database.

even i set request.setCharsetencoding("UTF-8") before fetching name, i get

??? ???.

kindly tell me the solution.

17 years ago
can any help me to create users and roles in oracle 9i.
Faisal Ishaque
I have a problem to get the exact size of result set. Let us assume that my query get 20 results and another query get 30 results, now how can i adjust the size of my collection (array) dynamically to adjust w.r.t result set size.
I use some technique that first get the count then perform another query for results , but this does not seems to be a good technique because there are some restriction of using ORACLE COUNT METHOD.
Can any one give me the best practices for setting collection(array) size w.r.t the result set size.
thanks and best regards.
Faisal Ishaque
I am little confused with your answer , actually our client use two DBMS (Oracle and SQL Server) due to their differenc interfaces, thats why whole data can be stored on both servers.
In this case if one DBMS does down then, then the customer must connect to anpther dbms dynamically.
Is this possible in minimum efforts or it requires more to do?
best regards
Faisal Ishaque
I have a problem that in my application there are two data bases Oracle and SQL Server and i want to dynamically check that which data base is available and then connect to available data base.
best regards
please clearify the difference between the oracle keywords IS and AS which are used in procedures and functions.

Faisal Ishaque
My question is related to the paging mechenism like Google in which records are shown as 1,2,3,...10, and also if i get more then 100 records, what is the best way to handle this situation?
Every time i use jdbc call when user clicks on hyperlink 1 or 2 and so on or there is any better approach for doing this?
Faisal Ishaque
21 years ago
My question is about the exception and error handling in web application.
If I use oracle procedures and functions for all business logic, then all the requests regarding select, update, delete and insertion of records using servlets, there might be a chance of run time errors and exceptions from oracle procedures.
What is the best way to handle these exceptions and errors? and on which layer i handled these exceptions regarding transactions etc?
21 years ago
Thanks for giving me the helpfull suggestions...
Also tell me the performance issues using xsl/xslt/xsl-fo and third part tools?
21 years ago
My question is that, in my application there is some data which can be converted into pdf,xml and doc format?
What do you reccomend that either i use xsl/xslt and xsl-fo or use third party tools for converting the data into desire format?and could i use crystal report for this purpose?
Please give me the best practices for generating different format files for client using jsp/servlets
thanks and best regards.
Faisal Ishaque
21 years ago
can any one send me the simplest code for log4j used in servlet....
i get the values in post method ...... but i get null
but when i get these values in get method its work fine.....
so how can i get these values in post method with enctype="multipart/form-data"
21 years ago
when i set the enctype="multipart/form-data" and method="post" and this form contain two input text type fields along with the file.
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="text" name="f1">
<input type="text" name="f2">
<input type="file" >

When i collect the data from request in servlet like this..
String name=request.getParameter("f1");

The output is null..
but i set the method="get"
then i get the text field value.

So how can i get text field value using method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
21 years ago