Originally posted by Bear Bibeault:
Because HTML doesn't work that way. There is no meand to put the byte data directly into an HTML page and then expect theimage to show up. You must make a spearate request through an <img> tag.
JSP isn't any kind of magic that will make HTML do anything it can't do outside of JSP.
Originally posted by Nigel Browne:
The class object has no Class attributes and it never has had.
Originally posted by Giju George:
A stateless session bean can call the EJBContext.getUserTx() in the ejbCreate() and ejbRemove(). But, then why can't it NOT invoke the user tx methods there ???
In a stateful session bean's ejbActivate and ejbPassivate, we can call getCallerPrincipal() and isCallerInRole().. where as we cannot do the same in entity bean's ejbActivate and ejbPassivate...........
WHY ??
The Container catches a non-application exception; logs it (which can result in alerting the System
Administrator); and, unless the bean is a message-driven bean, throws the java.rmi.RemoteException
(or subclass thereof) to the client if the client is a remote client, or throws the
javax.ejb.EJBException (or subclass thereof) to the client if the client is a local client. The
Bean Provider can rely on the Container to perform the following tasks when catching a non-application
� The transaction in which the bean method participated will be rolled back.
� No other method will be invoked on an instance that threw a non-application exception.
This means that the Bean Provider does not have to perform any cleanup actions before throwing a
non-application exception. It is the Container that is responsible for the cleanup.
Originally posted by pervaiz gul:
I am confused at the Q-9 in the chapter entity bean Synchronization.
Question: Which methods from the EntityContext interface can be invoked from within the ejbCreate method?
The answers in the book are getEJBHome,getEJBObject, getCallerPrincipal and setRollBackOnly.
BUT my question is how can getEJBObject be invoked in ejbCreate? i think there is no EJBObject until ejbPostCreate...
can anyone plz explain.