Dan Bizman

Ranch Hand
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since Feb 25, 2003
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Recent posts by Dan Bizman

I want to take an mp4/m4a audio file and play it as an mp3 audio file (or rather, send the file as a stream that's in mp3 format). How would I do this?
14 years ago
I have the following code that looks for a font that I know is installed (see below). What am i doing wrong?

UPDATE: looking further into the JRE's source code, I see the getFont method is this:

I don't get it, how does that ever work? I've never seen the fonts in the system properties on any computer in any version of java. Testing on these setups, they all return null and none of them have any fonts in the system properties:

OpenSuse - Java 6
OpenSuse - Java 5
Windows XP - Java 6
Windows XP - Java 5

Does anyone on here have this method work?
15 years ago
I want to include a few fonts with my application (in a jar file) to ensure that my application has them to display even if the computer it's on does not. How can i do this? How do i load the fonts for display?
15 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:Check the last entry in the http://faq.javaranch.com/java/JavaIoFaq for some hints.

Thanks, unfortunately that's still not a full answer. I can set up my own SMS gateway (with kannel) but then it appears I need an SMSC to be able to send SMS to any phones!

Are there any free SMSC's out there? What's the real solution? I'm looking to set this up on a server without a modem and not connected to a cell phone. Is there such an option?
15 years ago
I'm looking for a way to send SMS from a website or java app, but haven't been able to find anything other than companies that offer pay options. Is there a way to do this? What protocol do i need? Can i just write a serversocket and handle the commands like in email, or are there no real standards across all providers? If I can, where can I find info on that and the port number, etc? Also, how do i figure out which provider their number is at?
15 years ago
Does anyone know of any Java-based cryptography package that can do a threshold-scheme for protecting keys?
16 years ago

Originally posted by David O'Meara:

Does this mean I'm excommunicated?

Noooooo, not the tilde (~)!
16 years ago

Originally posted by David O'Meara:
It goes around the Earth every 24 hours.

Well, sort of. Really, the Earth orbits the Sun and rotates away (or towards depending on perspective) relative to the sun, with one full rotation taking 24 hours.
16 years ago
Can't get to sun.com or forums.sun.com. This seems to be happening more and more often.

Check it here: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/
16 years ago
It's back up but it was down for a few hours and this is the second time in three days that it's happened. What's going on over there?
16 years ago
Sun and java.sun.com have been unreachable for quite a while todayt (and some time yesterday). Is anyone else experiencing this?
16 years ago
Was a right-click in Java awt always button3 in a MouseEvent? In java 1.2, 1.3, was it still a button3 or did they change it somewhere along the way? When I click with the right-mouse-button, it shows as button3 which doesn't seem right to me.
16 years ago

Originally posted by Campbell Ritchie:
You will have to try it, but I think you can only "listen" to mouse events inside the bound of a GUI. Try a MouseListener and see what happens when you click outside your GUI; I suspect nothing will happen.

It does not work but you can use Robot to make the mouse move outside any frames. I don't know why Robot wasn't given the ability to listen to mouse movement outside a window. I'm pretty sure it can be done and I think it can be done in .Net.
16 years ago
If I start a java application, but don't have a window/frame/panel, etc, can i still listen to mouse move events? What about if I do have a window but the mouse move events are occurring outside the window?
16 years ago