Aaron Buch

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since Oct 23, 2000
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Recent posts by Aaron Buch

I have seen this message below posted be Aaron and Erin and i think i have the same problem too!!!
Client and EJB in VisualCafe4.0 works fine except when i try to Deliver Enterprise Bean to EJB Server, getting a message in VisualCafe
Can't find class weblogic/ejbc
.Jar Processing Failed
and of in Weblogiclogic server5.1 as
0 EJB jar files loaded, containing 0 EJBs
0 deployed, 0 failed to deploy
24 years ago
import java.awt.*;
public class testBean extends java.lang.Object
private int i;
public testBean()
public void settest(int i1) {
i1 = 3;
this.i = i1;

public int gettest() {
return this.i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
testBean t = new testBean();
The output was 0.
But i think it should be 3.
Any suggestions please???
import java.awt.*;
public class testBean extends java.lang.Object
private int i;
public testBean()
public void settest(int i1) {
i1 = 3;
this.i = i1;

public int gettest() {
return this.i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
testBean t = new testBean();
The output is 0;
But is think the output should be 3 any suggestions?
24 years ago
When i try to execute Java Beans from Visual Cafe, in Java Console iam getting a compilation error as
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:JavaBeanstest
The project name is JavaBeanstest.VEP and under them are two files JBBase and JBBaseBeanInfo.
Hey Erin still my problem was not solved.
24 years ago
Its really great. So SCJP can be taken even by small kids.
So the value of SCJP is dropping.

In weblogic documentation its said
Specify the following classes in the WebLogic classpath, using the weblogic.class.path property.
I tried to set it in this way
D:\>java -classpath -Dweblogic.class.path=d:/weblogic/classes;d:/weblogic/lib/we
blogicaux.jar;d:/weblogic/license;d:/weblogic/myserver/serverclasses weblogic.server
and then when i hit enter getting error as
Unable to initialize threads: cannot find class java/lang/Thread
24 years ago
Iam running WindowsNT .
So i went to start->settings->controlpanel->system
so in systemprpoerties i chose Environment.
In Environment there is System Variables and User Variables.
In userVariables the CLASSPATH is set to
D:\jdk1.3\bin;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\SYMCLASS.ZIP;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\CLASSES.ZIP;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\COLLECTIONS.ZIP;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\ ICEBROWSERBEAN.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\SYMTOOLS.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\JFC\SWINGALL.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\SFC.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\SYMBEANS.JAR;d:\Visu alCafeEE\Java\Lib\DBAW.ZIP;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\DBAW_AWT.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\Databind.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\ERADTOOLS.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\E RADPUBLIC.JAR;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\servlet.jar;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\server.jar;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\templates.jar;d:\VisualCafeEE\Java\Lib\javax_ejb.ZIP;d:\Visual CafeEE\Java\Lib\jndi.jar;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\Components\vcejbwl.jar;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\sb;d:\VisualCafeEE\Bin\sb\classes\sb.jar;.;
In Weblogic properties it is set to
# Deploys EJBeans. Uncomment the appropriate lines below and
# modify DBMS-related info and paths to match your particular installation:
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_basic_beanManaged.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_basic_containerManaged.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_basic_statefulSession.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_basic_statelessSession.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_extensions_finderEnumeration.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_extensions_readMostly.jar, \
d:/WebLogic/myserver/ejb_subclass.jar, \
Do i have to modify the above paths.

# ------------------------------------------------
# Sets up automatic page compilation for JSP. Adjust init args for
# directory locations and uncomment to use.

24 years ago
I kindly request anybody to answer this question.
24 years ago
Please i request anybody to answer this Question?
24 years ago
Whew Congratulations!!!That was a great score.
24 years ago
I loaded up my Project and i selected menu called 'Tools' and then chosen Environment Options, got tabbed dialog box. I chosen the UML/EJB tab and at the bottom Deployment Target is already set to WebLogic Server 5.1.
I selected Manage Deployment Target and got 'property/value' list.
In that all values are set correctly .
property value
Javac executable(for ejbc) d:\VisualCafeEE\java2\bin\javac.exe
But still iam getting the same error message.
Please help me!!!
24 years ago
When i try to start the Weblogic from VisualCafe i am getting a pop up message as
Server directory not specified in WebLogic options.
unable to start server.
and at the bottom in VisualCafe iam getting a message as
Can't find class weblogic/ejbc
.jar Processing Failed!
Iam using Weblogic server 5.1 on WindowsNT and using WebGain's VisualCaf� Enterprise Edition 4.0 .
Look forward for your reply.
24 years ago
How to set the classapth?
24 years ago
When i try to start the Weblogic from VisualCafe i am getting a pop up message as
Server directory not specified in WebLogic options.
unable to start server.
and at the bottom in VisualCafe iam getting a message as
Can't find class weblogic/ejbc
.jar Processing Failed!
24 years ago