Gus Mus

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since Feb 28, 2003
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Well, in my opinion the total cost of trying to pass the assessment won't be more than 30$ (Not more than 3x trying).
Simply prepare the material and take for the first and copy all questions you get and save it.
If you don't pass.. check the questions that you already copied. And
prepare again... I think it will not more than 3x trying. (Depends on how many questions are there )
But the problem is only 2000 voucher available... this is bad..
Does it mean each time when we take preassessment test then
we have to pay for $10 ?
So if we take for example XML test for 3 times (because didn't
pass the preassessment) then we have to pay for $30 ?
Is my post the 100000th of this Topic Forum?
No .. not yet.. almostly ...
[ October 30, 2003: Message edited by: Gus Mus ]
I have heard a lot of people complains about Entity Bean, that
it's a crap, slow and etc...
But personally I don't see any crap stuff with Entity Bean.
I am talking about CMP 2.0 ..
Any one can tell me what why Entity Bean is crap ?
I personally like Whizlab, their SCWCD + SCEA are great even
there were a lot of bugs.
I haven't try other products from them.
But right now the price is too high...
I tried INES-SCBCD which is much.. much cheaper.
It's also good.. even I liked Whizlab bit more.
But compared with the price, I think overall
INES is much better...
It really doesn't make sense to pay for $70 for a simulator,
with that money I can buy more than 1 great books !!!
Well... this is only personal though ..
You are right about caching, but caching only works for static page. For example there is one page to display the user information stored in DB. You cannot cache this, because it's different from one user to another.
I agree to use xslt as tag for simple / presentation logic only. Even like this I still have problem. For instance to fill one ListBox - List of years - with year 1900 - current year.
I think this logic should be placed into taglib - not in other place.
So tell me how XSL do it without taking this list of year from XML.
I trick it by using Recursive - like PROLOG does... but it's not convienence.
21 years ago
I have annoying problem. I use Internet explorer V6.0 and I create a web pages using Struts. There are some specific pages when it already finished to response the request back to browser, then the browser's status bar is still active / in loading state.. but the response is already displayed in the browser.
I tried to use netscape, and it's fine.
Anybody know how it can be like that and what is the solution ?
Thanks for the help.
21 years ago
Put your java script inside this :
But still have a drawback, you cannot use xslt inside it.
Or the best is to put the javascript in other file.
21 years ago
I can understand what Amin said about complex logic. I had problem when I created a tag with XSL for displaying list of months and years. It's quite annoying with XSLT.. for example how can you display year 1900-2000 into listbox. since xslt doesn't have iteration.. except you put this number into source XML ? a lot of other examples especially the variable is only bound one time and cannot be changed, so i have to repeat a lot of logic.
21 years ago
Sorry for late reply, was busy...
Thank you for all the good comments, finally I used LONG .. it's easier
and better.
21 years ago
I am using Session Bean + DAO
21 years ago
I created an application to insert XML and read the XML back to/from Oracle DB using CLOB & Weblogic.
It's working fine except for some XML that I cannot read it back and got the SQL Exception with Oracle 24334 Error :
ORA-24334 no descriptor for this position
Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.
Action: Check the position number.
For loading / saving other XML it's working really perfect. I tried to analyze the XML but it's correct and no special characters inside.
Ok .. after I analyze it, it seems like if the XML that I saved is too big (more than 23 Kb) then it will fail to read it back, only XML which is smaller that it can read back. The funny thing is I created App without Weblogic (directly use CLOB object not rmi.weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialClob) then it can read it properly.
Any help ? Maybe I have to set something in Weblogic Datasource configuration ?
21 years ago
I created an application to insert XML and read the XML back to/from Oracle DB using CLOB & Weblogic.
It's working fine except for some XML that I cannot read it back and got the SQL Exception with Oracle 24334 Error :
ORA-24334 no descriptor for this position
Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.
Action: Check the position number.
For loading / saving other XML it's working really perfect. I tried to analyze the XML but it's correct and no special characters inside.
Ok .. after I analyze it, it seems like if the XML that I saved is too big (more than 23 Kb) then it will fail to read it back, only XML which is smaller that it can read back. The funny thing is I created App without Weblogic (directly use CLOB object not rmi.weblogic.jdbc.rmi.SerialClob) then it can read it properly.
Any help ? Maybe I have to set something in Weblogic Datasource configuration ?
[ August 13, 2003: Message edited by: Gus Mus ]
[ August 13, 2003: Message edited by: Gus Mus ]
I created an application to insert XML and read the XML back to/from Oracle DB using CLOB & Weblogic.
It's working fine except for some XML that I cannot read it back and got the SQL Exception with Oracle 24334 Error :
ORA-24334 no descriptor for this position
Cause: The application is trying to get a descriptor from a handle for an illegal position.
Action: Check the position number.
For loading / saving other XML it's working really perfect. I tried to analyze the XML but it's correct and no special characters inside.
Is Ashish Sarin a girl ? she is so sensitive
[ August 06, 2003: Message edited by: Gus Mus ]