Marlene Miller

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since Mar 05, 2003
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Recent posts by Marlene Miller

What Java class validates the digital signature of a signing Certificate Authority in a certificate?

As part of the handshake to establish a secure connection, a Web client receives a certificate (chain) from the Web server. The certificate includes a digital signature of the signing certificate authority. The client has to validate the digital signature. I want to know what Java class extracts the CA digital signature from the certificate and applies the hash algorithm to validate the digital signature.

I want to know if Web clients can handle a Web server certificate with a Certificate Authority's digital signature created with the SHA256 hash algorithm. The first step is to know where the code is.

Thank you.
9 years ago
re: ]]>

I sort of get it. It's a CDATA close delimiter.
I think I figured it out. ^ means not.

::= ' " ' ([^<&"] | Reference)* ' " ' | " ' " ([^<&'] | Reference)* " ' "

means any character except < or & repeated and enclosed in quotes.

Next question: what does ']]>' mean in CharData

::= CharData? ((element | Reference | CDSect | PI | Comment) CharData?)*

::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)
::= EmptyElemTag | STag content Etag

::= '<' Name (S Attribute)* S? '>'

::= Name Eq AttValue

::= '"' ([^<&"] | Reference)* '"' | "'" ([^<&'] | Reference)* "'"

Would you please explain this description of a value of an attribute (ignore Reference). To me it looks like it is saying any of the characters [ ^ < & " repeated and enclosed in quotes.

Thank you. Marlene
slightly off topic. light reading for amusement. Java as seen from C++

Context - it may help to know that the Boost library is an important C++ library. Herb Sutter is a well-known C++ expert who has written some outstanding books and articles on C++. I've heard some people were joking about something to compete with the popularity of Java.
The style of this lecture 6.004 Computation Structures presented in the the MIT OpenCourseWare reminds me (a little bit) of the Head First books.
19 years ago
I like Scheme, a dialect of Lisp.

[ January 21, 2005: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]
OK. Thank you very much. That's helpful.
20 years ago
The eMac has three USB 2.0 ports. What are typical uses for those ports? One for a printer. Are the other ports for the keyboard and mouse?

The Mac Mini has two USB 2.0 ports. Does the printer connection have to be wireless?

Why does the Apple keyboard have two ports?
[ January 12, 2005: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]
20 years ago
Thank you Pauline. $80. Much better than MS Office for $400. Requirements: 512 MB of RAM. The eMAC comes with 256 MB. Is it common to upgrade to 512MB or 1GB? Mac OS X 10.3.6. That's about the lastest version, isn't it?
[ January 12, 2005: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]
20 years ago
Thank you Pauline. OK, TextEdit for word processing.
[ January 06, 2005: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]
20 years ago
>>Do not, I say again, do NOT touch AppleWorks with a bargepole

Thank you for the advice and warning. I didn't notice discontent when I was browsing the Apple discussion group for AppleWorks.

The system requirements for OpenOffice on the Mac are extreme:
256 MB of memory for decent performance. 512 MB recommended.
1 GB additional free space on your System drive for use as swap space during installation and execution.

(Windows: 64 MB RAM, 250 MB available hard disk space
Linux: 64 MB RAM, 300 MB available hard disk space)
20 years ago
Thank you all.

I made a mistake. I meant Word for Mac, not Windows for Mac. Office 2004 for Mac is too expensive just to send documents to Windows users. Is that the only way? I think I'll try saving Appleworks documents as .doc.

I've got all the information I need. I am ready to advise my dad on what he will need. I think he'll like the eMac.

Thank you for the help.
20 years ago
Thank you Bear. Very helpful. I'll keep Firefox in mind.

I've been scanning the user discussions at Apple. Most people believe anti-virus software is not needed. Some use it anyway. Here is something I do not understand.

... but Word and Excel, due to the scripting language available in both programs, can infect documents with viruses on a Mac as well as on Windows systems. While these infections aren't as popular as they were a few years ago they can still cause harm to your Mac.

So your best friend using Windows sends you a Word document. It is infected with something. You install Windows for Mac to read Word documents. You open the document, Word executes the script and all your user files are wiped out. Is that the point of the above warning?

MAC OS X will not be affected, even if you have System Admin privileges. Is the correct?

Would anti-virus software have found the offending script in the Word document?

Regards, Marlene
[ December 30, 2004: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]
20 years ago