Thank you Bear. Very helpful. I'll keep Firefox in mind.
I've been scanning the user discussions at Apple. Most people believe anti-virus software is not needed. Some use it anyway. Here is something I do not understand.
... but Word and Excel, due to the scripting language available in both programs, can infect documents with viruses on a Mac as well as on Windows systems. While these infections aren't as popular as they were a few years ago they can still cause harm to your Mac.
So your best friend using Windows sends you a Word document. It is infected with something. You install Windows for Mac to read Word documents. You open the document, Word executes the script and all your user files are wiped out. Is that the point of the above warning?
MAC OS X will not be affected, even if you have System Admin privileges. Is the correct?
Would anti-virus software have found the offending script in the Word document?
Regards, Marlene
[ December 30, 2004: Message edited by: Marlene Miller ]