Kathy Cowgirl Kozel

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since Oct 24, 2000
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Recent posts by Kathy Cowgirl Kozel

You never know what can happen... but we're expecting that book to be out before JavaOne (next June)!
the cowgirl

Simon, Please let us know when are you going to release "Java Architect Exam " book.
Howdy again! Sheesh -- all THREE authors have dropped into this thread now. Michael does contracting work for Sun, and though he lives in northern California, we see him quite a lot out here in Colorado.
Well since PHIL is going to Comdex Las Vegas to prep folks for the Programmer's exam... hmmmmm... I might have to mention that you could also go to Comdex Chicago (in April) and be the first to take the new one-day prep seminar for the new Architect exam. I heard the presenters are really cute.
And its never too early to make plans for JavaOne -- where we'll ALL be next June.
Just wanted to mention that I've added a couple more critters to my own personal herd since I left California for sunny Colorado -- a new sheep, Buffy, (not nearly as smart or adept at coding as Bert) and a miniature donkey, Antonio. He's a little stubborn about meeting deadlines, but his grasp of design patterns is impressive!
Anyway, I better head back to work now. This has been a festive thread here at the Saloon... hope to talk to ya'all somewhere else sometime soon.
Kathy "always a greenhorn" Kozel

Originally posted by Philip Heller:
Anybody going to Comdex in Las Vegas next month? I'll be
giving a 2-day seminar on preparing for the Programmer's
Exam. If you happen to be in town, come on by and say Hi.
Gotta go. See you soon, and thanks for being nice!
Ciao for now,

Well howdy all! : ) It's been such a long time since I've visited, but with Simon and Phil and Marcus all in here I just had to jump in too. I'm workin' in Colorado here with Simon and now Paul shows up in the very same building... stirring up trouble as always!
Hope you folks here are still havin' fun roundin' up the cows and studying (or celebrating afterwards) for the exam.
Stay tuned for some hot rumours on the Architect certification...
And by the way, this cowgirl might just get off her saddle-weary rear and tell a few more campfire stories sometime soon.
Hope ya'll remember not to squat with yer spurs on
-the cowgirl