Tina Desai

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since Mar 13, 2003
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Recent posts by Tina Desai

Hi friends,

Once again Im turning to you all for your valuable advice.

Im a parent of a toddler. We both work. Our child was with a nanny till recently.
She left suddenly and we had to put him in a creche.
He is learning new things but is having little trouble settling in..
he is eating ok and sleeping less.. at home he sleeps for 2-2.5 hours
and in creche only 1 hours.. so when one of us brings him home, he is tired and sleepy and hungry..

Im sure many of you have been through this.. how did you tackle?
what did you do?

I talked to few friends personally.. they have support of some or the other family member.
Some are not as sensitive as me probably. They dont get the point.
I, however, sometimes find it difficult to concentrate on work..

I cannot help thinking to be at home with him.. till he is 4/5 years old.
And on other hand Im not sure where this can end.. that time I will have some other restrictions.

Any help is welcome

Thanks again.

14 years ago
Hello Friends,

Does anyone know if I will be able to use my Java skills to complete telecommuting assignment?
Basically, can I work from home for some employer/client in other country and get paid for it?

Calling to some other country from India gets expensive, so can I get online assignments? like the ones on sourceforge, but paid assignments.

If you have tried or know some site, can you please refer it to me? Also, do mention your good/bad experiences and th
ings to take care..

Thank you in advance..

14 years ago
The class files of MClass and MElement will be in nsuml.jar

NSUML is from here

I am debugging code from some old system which uses nsuml.
I am not understanding all the MClass and MElement etc classes. I want to know their purpose and why they are the way they are

Is there someone who has used it in past? And can help me understand them?

Can one shift to domain side later in career?
Like I started in tech side - programmer and now Im feeling an inclination towards the domain side.
I want to try it out and feeling enthusiastic about it.

Is there any professional certification/ any particular move that will help me out?

Thank you.

15 years ago
Thanks a lot friends for your sharing your valuable first hand experiences! Your replies have made me relax and not worry too much.

Hope Im able to manage well.

Thanks again!

17 years ago
Thanks a lot to everyone.. I went to one womens site and there were so many posts that their partners dont help out that I had started to worry. My husband has helped me a lot in past 8 months so I just closed the site and stopped worrying..

Preeti, actually Im in India and there will be a maid with me during the day time.
From around 9:30am to 6:30pm. Will I be able to manage better with her or I will still need a lot of help from my husband?
Did you look after your baby without ANY other help?

Thanks in advance!

[ December 04, 2007: Message edited by: Tina Desai ]
17 years ago
Hello Friends,

We are expecting our first baby in this month. As I will be taking off from work for a while, and the financial pressures were increasing, hubby started looking for a job. We will just be able to manage things financially.. if something does not come up!

Now hes got an offer and will be expected to join the new company around Feb first week.

The new company is a new setup in the city and the country, while he is kind of settled at the current place. Workload is expected to increase at both places in the days to come.

Leaves and timeoff will not be too easy in the new company in the initial days. But hes expecting a better work env in the new place.

I was wondering how much support I will need from him in the first few months with the baby. And few means around how many months before one parent can handle a baby? Pretty vague question really but as we dont have any experience with a baby, we are clueless.

Anything you can pinpoint or assure about, will be a great help!

17 years ago
Thank you all!

I have got the starting points for self learning.

17 years ago

Originally posted by dhwani mathur:
Hi Tina!!
Now i am need of your advice just a bit if you could
help me as you are into creating a site,can you please
mention the steps which we must take in order to create
a site,i mean to ask basic steps from where i must start
i dont want you to ellaborate on each step that will be googled
by me.......but the steps must be from start to end of creation
of a website ............

Thanks in advance.................

Well, I had my first site hosted on geocities.com
Its a free site, so
1. you will have URL like - www.geocities.com/thePreferredTextHere
2. it does not come in the google searches. but you can keep on paying some amount and remove this dis-advantage.

Just visit it here and you will be able to take it from there.

17 years ago
Thanks everyone for your replies.

I had not thought about blogging. I dont know much about blogging. but is it less hassle and more visually attractive content?

Also, I checked myboli.com Its Marathi is horrible!! or do we need any specific font to view it well?

17 years ago
Hello Friends!

My mom is a writer and recently I had an idea of creating a site about her and her work.

1. I had one site created long time back on geocities which was basically catering to topics of my interest. So I kept it as simple html. Now for this site, Im not sure to keep it static. But I also dont want to aim for big tech based site as I will soon be having a baby and may.. sorry will get less time.

2. Her writing is all in our native language - Marathi. Im also debating whether I shold create the site in Marathi or in English.

Any views/suggestions?

17 years ago
Hello All!

Of late, I am longing to learn about the stocks and shares and investments and all. I want to start experimenting and trying my luck by putting in some money into the market and see if I can make some money.

The trouble is- myself or anyone in my relation does not know anything about stocks and investments. I want to start taking baby steps and learn about this and manage my money well.

Any ideas as to where I can start and which way I can head. Internet sites most of the times give foreign rules and basics.. or may be I dont a proper place to check out.

Thanks for your help in advance!

17 years ago
Im enjoying a holiday for Gandhi Jayanti but didn't know its also International Day of Non-Violence!

17 years ago