amit taneja

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Recent posts by amit taneja

Paul Clapham wrote:It didn't sound sarcastic to me. You started off by saying "bringing my own project", which sounds like a good idea. But then you went on to ask how to get code, which presumably would have been written by somebody else; that doesn't really sound like "my own project" any more. But you've been programming Java for 10 years, you say, so one would expect you could write such a project all by yourself. Fortunately I'm not involved in hiring decisions but if I were then that would be my belief.

Well you have taken assumption that I am asking for code but I also wrote the line "I am thinking make a program on "parking lot reservation""  it means I am planning to do coding..
yes its been 10 years in over all java including leading few projects but I have interview on monday and having short time so was simply looking for IDEA on different project I can think to code  OR if I can get some code then will do some reference but still code myself..

7 years ago

Campbell Ritchie wrote:Surely after ten years you can write the code from the bottom up?

what you mean ?  is it a sarcastic comment ?
7 years ago
 I need to go for interview where they want I to showcase my programming skills  by bringing my own project and show the code.
I can't take my company code so what mini project you will suggest for that,  even thought i have 10 years of java, kindly suggest the small application with its functionality.

I am thinking make a program on "parking lot reservation"

Kindly suggest or and where I can get code which I can further customize.

7 years ago
Today I went for  Interview and following question asked and I gave my best bet, please correct me if I am wrong

1.  What is the next number in series ::  00122436485
my best bet ::  1

2.  There are 25 house,  10 house have less than 6 room,   10 house has more than 7 room, 4 house has more than 8 room  how many house have either 6 or 7 or 8 room.
my best bet  :: 11

3.   There are four people namely, A, B, C, D  , which needs to cross bridge ,  only 2 poeple can cross at once in night,  there is only one night lamp, one person need to carry lamp
following is the time taken by each
A : 10 mins
B: 5 mins
c : 2 mins
D : 1 min

first D will cross along with A, then go back and cross with B, and then with C will totally take 19 mins

Question :   how they will take 17 mins ,  please tell the process ,  it was written that 17 min is valid option.

4. Write puesdocode  to  reverse the string but not letter :   like  'his voice is loud"     should be   "loud is voice his"

5.write pudeocode  to write all permutation combination of N letter  like "abc"  has 6 different combination write generic program


7 years ago
I have 11 years of Java/j2ee experience and working as tech lead with big consulting company in Toronto,

I am wondering if shall I move to Pega technology ?
my friend is lead architect in Pega and earning over 125$ per hour in Pega and getting very good salary offers and that is tempting me
its almost 3 times we get in Java,

even on conservative side my friend says that you will get 90 to 100$ per hour if you are sr. system architect
in Java I am can get 70 $ max

from long term perspective I can earn more in Pega but what shall I do ?

one option is to be stick to java and think of java architect and tofel

second option I am getting in my current company to switch to Java but I will be working with the lower profile initially with people having 4-5 years of experience. but thats not an issue but thing is I have to start from scratch

I am confused what shall I do with my career

I understand with over 11 years of experience I done few good project but I am not doing very much coding may be 20% is coding rest is leadership but I can get job again in Java if I want to
or stick to Java and be more expert in that ??

I will canadian citizenship next year and I can move to USA on tn visa and get more oppurtunity in Java/Pega both

kindly give your insight thoughts analysis on Pega framework and my current situation

9 years ago
Sure Thanks I will keep in mind

for code I don't have idea as some one asked me this question and I have poor javascript as its long I worked on it

// After this line, what would you write to call into the above code and have it return “Hello Edgar”?
// Answer:
I am interested to know how good the Spring Data JPA is ? over regular pure JPA api we use

what the advantages and disadvantages of using spring data JPA over pure jpa form ?

Thanks for reply appreciate

I read some articles like
incomplete discussion on war/jar

which are incomplete discussion .... I would like to get some guidance whatever kind (reference to article/detail explaination)

how we will achieve and established rule to access jar files without any diffuclty ..

I hope some experience folks will help me
I am using weblogic 12 app server and
In my project These are following component of my project

External GUI (visible to client externally) but invoked from some other external application via link
Internal GUI ( visible to operation team / customer care dept)
Webservices (exposed internally)
some common util Jar files having common logic

I want to package eternal GUI/Internal GUI and webservices as war file along with jar file in one EAR file

I am going to put interceptor which will monitor from which link the request is coming and we will be doing role based security and data is available from siteminder session .
Instead of putting separate ear for each gui and webservicces I opted for one ear to better utilize code and since every thing will be developed simultaneously
by different developer code maintainability will be better

I need the following input :
How realastic it is to package many war file in one EAR ?
can code in war file still access the jar file having common logic put inside EAR file but outside war file ? so it can be shared among GUI and webservices... ?

what consideration I do need to put into account so that jar file can be accessed by each war file.

kindly suggest the ear structure

10 years ago
I don't know where to put this question as its regarding architecture discussion of my project, its impt thread for me so you can put in forum where it best suits...

These are following component of my project

External GUI (visible to client externally) but invoked from some other external application via link
Internal GUI ( visible to operation team / customer care dept)
Webservices (exposed internally)
some common util Jar files having common logic

I want to package eternal GUI/Internal GUI and webservices as war file along with jar file in one EAR file

I am going to put interceptor which will monitor from which link the request is coming and we will be doing role based security and data is available from siteminder session .
Instead of putting separate ear for each gui and webservicces I opted for one ear to better utilize code and since every thing will be developed simultaneously
by different developer code maintainability will be better

I need the following input :
How realastic it is to package many war file in one EAR ?
can code in war file still access the jar file having common logic put inside EAR file but outside war file ? so it can be shared among GUI and webservices... ?

but then Thread.sleep() will also take lock along with it when goes to sleep.

yeah then thread 4 can do some work on un-blocked methods but can't do in critical blocked method by rest of the thread 1/2/3.

so it won't solve purpose completely....
Can some one please share with respect to JOB Market prospect for OSB - Oracle Service Bus ?

how is its market ?
How job prospects ?

I am planning to do Online training on OSB for 450$ will it be worth spending on that ?

or shall I do training on something else like Hadoop/Big data ... (do we actually need formal training for such open source framework ? )

I am having 7+ years of experience with Java/J2EE

12 years ago
Can some one share the comparasion between some existing ESB and which one has bright future ?
viz OSB/Tibco/mule/IBM Adaptor/Mediator etc...

also what is the esb framework more famous in capital market domain ? is it Tibco ?

12 years ago

Jaikiran Pai wrote:

amit taneja wrote:how to delete particular thread ?

We don't delete threads in these forums unless there is a very strong reason to do that.

how we edit the content of thread ..if i want to edit it or add some more info..

12 years ago