Eric Fletcher

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Oops, merrill is right, missed the getter. Should look like this:

Sorry about that!
[ June 10, 2005: Message edited by: Eric Fletcher ]
19 years ago

19 years ago
Thanks Ali, I appreciate the kind words!


Originally posted by Ali Pope:
Great to hear this. But still I am asking way to go XML - Objects - JSP and not trying to cut out one of those layers (either parse directly to Objects or process XML with XSLTs)?


Couple of reasons. First we knew we would eventually be going the route of direct access to the database so we knew we would need the transfer objects built eventually. Since that was the direction in which we were heading, XSLT wasn't really considered. We used a typical DAO layer and a factory to abstract the data source. Whether the TO's are populated by the scraper or by direct DB access is configured by a factory property and our business objects that call the DAO methods are none the wiser.

As far as parsing directly to objects, we are using a third party scraper that returns an XML file representing the structure of the scraped view, so that wasn't an option.

Originally posted by Ali Pope:

What about the app performance? Extracting info, than creating XML, deserializing XML to object, JSP seems to me quite a long way for a request to go be back with its response.


Performance isn't bad, actually. Since the underlying data model(DB2 on AS400) had been optimized for calls from the exisiting business logic, the scraper performed pretty well vs direct database access via JDBC. It was quicker than us coming in and learning the data model and business rules from scratch, we had the XML schema so we just needed to implement the parsing. We are migrating to direct access eventually, but they wanted something up and running yesterday, so...
A screen scraper is an app that literally "reads" the presentation layer of some other app and creates some representation of the info on the scraped screen. For example, the current project I'm working on uses a screen scraper to read fortran-based green screens, takes the info from them and puts it in an XML file, which we in turn parse into transfer objects that are used to populate JSPs. In our case, it was a quick way to reuse the business logic in the legacy code instead of reimplementing it in Java.
Overloading a method means you have the same method name, but different arguments(parameters) passed to it, and optionally a different return value. That way the JVM knows which method to use just by looking at the arg list, even if there is more than one method with the same name in the class. In your case, the add method will just add one penny at a time, so let's say you want to tell the method you want to add 5 or 6 pennies to the jar. All we need to do is create a new add method like so:

So when you call the addPenny method on your class, if the signture of the call has an int argument, the JVM knows the correct one to call!

20 years ago

Originally posted by David Milligan:
When you say about an interface extending another, does the interface refer to a class.

No, an interface is an interface, not a class. A class can extend a class, and an interface can extend an interface, but a class does not extend an interface nor does an interface extend a class. A class implements an interface.

The concept of interfaces can be tricky to those new to Java. I suggest taking a look at Sun's Java Tutorial especially this section on interfaces.

Hope that helps,
20 years ago

Originally posted by Dmitry Melnik:
Eric, could you please tell more about your experience with Subaru? I am thinking about buying a car, and Impreza WRX is one of the candidates.

My experience has been great with them. My wife and I both drive one and never had a problem with either one. They are very affordable, and they are great in bad weather. I highly recommend them.

I test drove the WRX, more just for kicks since they are on the pricey side for a Subaru, and my wife was not too keen on the idea. The car is awesome as far as performance is concerned, an absolute rocket off the line and the AWD makes it handle like it's on rails. But my guess is all that HP makes it not as good in the snow as the base models. But if I were 25 and single again that would be my car of choice!
20 years ago
You might want to check out an all-wheel drive car as well. The last two cars I have purchased are both Subarus(which all have AWD), and I've never driven anything that performs close to them in the snow, with the possible exception of a Benz with 4Matic AWD, but those are a little out of my price range
20 years ago
One more undefeated goes down at Heinz Field. The '72 Dolphins just added the Steelers to their Christmas card lists!

Another dominant game by Pittsburgh, in all aspects of the game. The O-line is just bulldozing teams, although I am still cautiously optimistic because the Pats were banged up and the Eagles have shown a weakness against the run. But what the Steelers D did to a very good Eagle offense was not for general audiences, they absolutely stuffed them. And probably most amazing, they managed to thoroughly dominate a strong opponent while losing the turnonver battle!

I think right now they have to be put in the elite status in the league.
[ November 08, 2004: Message edited by: Eric Fletcher ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Inuries are part of the NFL. Everyone knows that. Everyone also knows that too many of them makes it pretty difficult for even the deepest teams to win consistently. It caught up with them Sunday. No big deal. After two Super Bowl wins in three years and the longest winning streak in NFL history, they've done plenty to satisfy me as a fan for quite awhile now. I'm not going to freak if they drop a few games here and there. If I were a Pittsburgh fan though, and they do seem to be a pretty decent team (like the 2001 team), I would just try to keep the win in perspective.

[ November 01, 2004: Message edited by: Jason Menard ]

Agreed, it's tough to win 5 games in a row in the NFL, let alone 21, which is why I said I give them a lot of credit in my initial message. And I agree, even as a die-hard Steeler fan, I try to think with my head, not my heart, they are still a young team with a rookie QB, albeit one who doesn't play like a rookie. So I won't gloat(too much) about the win, especially since there is a very good chance that won't be the last time the Pats and Steelers are going to meet this year.

As a measuring stick game, I think the Eagles game will be a good test. If Pittsburgh can knock them off as well, then I think you have to start talking about them as an elite team. Time will tell...
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jason Menard:

The Pats were going to lose eventually. Now was as good a time as any. To be honest, I don't understand the reaction from the Pittsburgh fans to winning a game against a team that was so depleted the Dolphins could have beat them. You'd think they just won the Super Bowl or something.

Somehow I knew that would come up. The Steelers were playing without a starting corner and their best D lineman out, too. Injuries happen in the NFL, but I'm sure every team the Pats beat in their streak was 100% healthy...

[ November 01, 2004: Message edited by: Eric Fletcher ]
20 years ago
Go Steelers!!!

Man what a great game by the Steelers and Big Ben! I'd say he is one more win away from locking up Rookie of the Year if he hasn't already!

24 points off turnovers, and those TOs were forced, not gifts. Speaking of "TOs", one undefeated team down, one more to go next week!

I will say this, what the Pats did over the past year was amazing, might never be done again, andI give them all the credit in the world, but that was an old fashioned butt whoopin' and the Pats supplied the butts!
20 years ago
I'll agree with most of those and add these:

Airplane 1 and 2
Blazing Saddles
20 years ago