Pardha Akalamkam

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since Mar 17, 2003
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Recent posts by Pardha Akalamkam

I am passing a window state parameter through actionURL (windowState="maximized") and able to see the state in process action method(request.getWindowState()). I am also setting state in response object(response.setWindowState(request.getWindowState())).

But in before rendering in DoView(RenderRequest, RenderResponse) I am not finding any method to set the window state again.
Can anybody suggest how to set(change) the window state by getting the parameter in the actionURL.
I am new to portlets, that is why this simple question

18 years ago
Hi Lynn Gargallo

Please check my CV at the following site. I am interested in the job and I am looking forward to talk to you soon.

19 years ago
Since it's a reference book to the design patterns, I would like the following to be included.

1. It should give a detailed example for each design pattern along with class diagrams.
2. Also it should separate the usage of design patterns based on the tier they are used (business, database , domain tier etc).
3. How an existing design pattern can be modified or updated to meet the latest requirements (like changing from EJB 1.1 to EJB 2.0 and to EJB 3.0).
4. The detailed working example of any application that uses many patterns at different interfaces.

19 years ago
I am working on a JMS project where I need to take a message from a Message driven bean and print the contents to a network printer. Since we cannot use in EJBs I am restricted to write the print file directly from MDB. Can anybody suggest what is the best way to print the message contents from an MDB. Also I am searching for a existing resource adapter to create a flat file from message contents and print to network printer. Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.
I am trying to develop and test Message driven bean applications with the MQSimulator for Java developers in WSAD5.0. As long as I define local queues and connection factories my code works fine. But when I tried to access the remote queue , I am getting an error and throwing exception in the lookup. Can anybody suggest, how to access a remote queue(defined on Webshphere MQ running on websphere app server) using JNDI lookup
Today I read an article "a case against EJB" by Chris Mathews in the javaranch journal. As per his article EJBs are not suited for almost all real world applications except for applications those use messaging and transactions heavily. The article also says there won't be any future for the EJBs, unless they improve in many aspects in the coming 2.3 version. Do u all really think this is the case for EJBs. I want to know the future of EJBs and their real time use in the big web applications. As I am going for SCBCD I need to know whether it's worth time to spend time on it.
Hi Kathy/Bert
With a lot of hype and enthu over JDO do you think EJB technology would sustain for a long time.Is it advisable to buy the book "head First EJB" and study for SCBCD. What is your opinion about EJB's future against JDO.

My wife is doing her MS in Computer Science (distance learning) through ACCIS(american college of computer science and information systems). Try their website is one of the best in US.
20 years ago
Hi Krithika
Infact a you raised a good question that cannot be answered easily.
I have been in USA for the last 4 years(working as a consultant) and prior to that worked in India for about 3 years(In all cities including B'lore).
Intially money is the driving force for any one who plans to work in USA. With the passing of years definitely the comforts, the life style and easy availability of various resources make the people to stick back to USA.
I am sure that the saving potential is more in USA than in India.Ofcourse u may feel the absence of native culture, but to my surprise younger generation in Indian cities are more westernized than the people who live here. They are more crazy about western foods than us here.
The lack of infrastructure, redtapism and the bureaucratic corruption etc make some people, afraid to come back to India. For example to start a new company it's easy in USA in terms of getting finance, approval etc than in India where u need to pay lot of money to move the things.Even for getting a driving license in India, one need to pay money (if is in urgency).Think of joining a kid in school. U need to pay in lakhs for admissions in India. But in USA education is free upto 12th standard(in govt schools).
Don't come to the conclusion that I am criticizing Indian people. Infact I decided to come back after 5 years as I feel more comfortable in Indai than anyother place in the world. But there needs to be a lot of improvement in our entire system to lure back all the people here.
I am leaving here to make my answer little ambiguous (will come back more on this) and allow other people to share their views on this lovely topic.
20 years ago
I would like to know how java is being used in SAP applications.
Can anybody with real work experience give a breif information on this.
20 years ago