Eddie Vanda

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since Mar 18, 2003
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To get back to the originial post, it would seem to me that he wants to start his server with his stick, give another stick(s) to his buddy(ies) and play the game.

He would set up a temp server, perhaps on port 80 as that is most likely to go to the local router, though this is not a given, and wait for others to find him.

The others could get an InetAddress from a temporary serversocket on their clients and use the ip address from that to do a search, going up and down from that client's address.

All that assumes they are on the same subnet and that the router lets requests through locally for port 80 and that the timeout is reasonably short.

Good Luck!

Paul Clapham wrote:And by the way you don't need to know the IP address of the server when you try to connect to it, knowing the computer name is sufficient.

I find in my Uni I do not need admin access to run java programs, even ones with server sockets
Hi Richard,

Use javaw instead of java!

19 years ago
Borrowing Michael Dunn's answer on the JComboBox question in this list, I did this:

Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
see if this is any closer to what you want

19 years ago
Hi thejaswini,

You can use setEnabled (false) on the JCombo box to make it look greyed out.

19 years ago
try something like:

You then may need to call repaint () on the panel.
19 years ago
Hi S Dan,

I remember fighting this api a couple of years ago. All I could do was pass it a small icon and straight text. I think this is because it interfaces directly to a Windows api, but I hope some can prove me wrong!!!

19 years ago
Hi Arto,

Someone else might want to comment on long unending html screens.

Most chat screens I have seen have different sections.
a. heading (room title)
b. those present in the room
c. the actual chat - a text area with scroll bars
d. a text area to in which to type responses (could be a form in html)
e. whatever else you want to display

You would need some javascript code to refresh each of these periodically if your client is purely html.

Are you intending to write any java code? That could update each section as appropriate periodically.

19 years ago
Hi Mar

Swap over the group of code starting with


That way you get the info from the textfields before you plug it into the array.

Then change the reference to file2 into file1 because file2 has only elements without info.

19 years ago
You have two table= statements, take out the second one and put its arguments in the new model call.
19 years ago
Hi Arto

Not really sure what you mean. Most simple html pages have a beginning and an end, and you start from the top till you get to the bottom (end of html) and then stop.

Would you see the text changing or only the pictures? Hope you're not confusing html with streaming video!

You could put the html client/renderer in a loop, since swing double buffers it should not blink unless different data arrives.

19 years ago
I use something like this.

From your other thread:

This code will be called by the GUI thread some time later.

You need to explore some thread safe ways of sharing data. You could synchronize it.

19 years ago
Maybe you added the action listener twice to the text field? The second instance would get the empty string that you put into the text field the first time!

19 years ago
Try using the "flush ()" method after sending 511 characters.
Hi Mariusz,

I would not be looking for deadlocks, but some step in your program whose execution time increases exponentially.

19 years ago