Ray Gear

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since Mar 20, 2003
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Recent posts by Ray Gear

I think i need to make it very clear... I am not able to use 3rd party package. everything has to be coded in purely java.
21 years ago
i am not using any 3rd party package. it's purely coding in java, using Socket and etc.
so which one should i use 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' or 'multipart/form-data', if i want to use the input - the server name, username, password and send the file over to the ftp server.
21 years ago
i have this ftp webpage, where i want to pass some info (e.g. server name, username, password) and of cos the file to transfer.... but the problem i am not able to get the info of the server name, etc using getParameter(...) if i use multipart/form-data....
any idea how can i solve it??? very urgent
21 years ago
Well... i'm working on an industrial proj... that's why i can't possibly use any 3rd party package.... i have to use pure java.
use java as bean, jsp to use the bean.
in the java code itself, i need to use the ftp command, but have limited command - PUT, CD, QUIT, FTP...
ftp server at a remote end.
so wonder if anyone can help
21 years ago
I need to use JSP and Servlet for my file upload, then file transfer(ftp) to ftp server.... i can't use 3rd party package..... using Socket to connect to server also possible?
I need to use JSP and Servlet for my file upload, then file transfer(ftp) to ftp server.... i can't use 3rd party package.....
21 years ago
I need to use JSP and Servlet for my file upload, then file transfer(ftp) to ftp server.... i can't use 3rd party package.....
21 years ago