aidan mark

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since Mar 24, 2003
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Recent posts by aidan mark

And of course you are right!

Since I was intested in the Mac platform, I missed the clue that the Softlearn sim supports Windows _and_ Linux. I downloaded the trial version, ignored the install script and after a little fiddling with the java command line I had the exam simulator running on the iMac I guess I'll buy the full version.

They should make more of a feature of the fact that it's a Java/Swing app and runs anywhere.

Are any other exam sims Java based?
Why are none of the exam simulators for SCBCD written in Java? They all seem to require Microsoft Windows.

I'm planning a few days on the road with my laptop, which happens to be a Mac running OS-X. Boring hotel evenings would be a perfect time for SCBCD exam prep - if only I could find an exam sim that ran on the Mac.

There are exam sims for SCWCD in Java, why not SCBCD?

I hope this isn't off topic but does anyone know of a service where I can get developer/student access to an Oracle 9i or 10g? I am not ready to take certification yet but I am interested in improving my knowledge of the DB, and in particlar accessing it via JDBC.

Does anyone offer such a service either free for serious candidates or for a moderate fee?

I have tried downloading 9i personal but have had no luck installing it on my Mandrake linux 9.2 machine (link errors).

20 years ago
Well, in case this is useful for anyone else, following the advice above I contacted Sun Germany by phone. A very helpful mitarbeiterin guided me to
the page that doesn't mention SCBCD, and told me the secret trick:
Click on the red oval marked (Priese)
Then you will be on the form that allows you to order the voucher for 310-090.
She also promissed to forward a suggestion to update the Certification page to include informatation about the SCBCD exam.
Good stuff. Thanks Sun. Thanks all.
There is something about Struts that taps into the explanation centres of authors' brains and numbs them. I read 3 books on Struts before I "got it" and after I got it, I couldn't see why something so straightforward was so difficult to explain on paper.
Srikanth Shenoy & Nithin Mallya's "Struts Survival Guide" is the book that made me see though the clouds - you can find it on Amazon or you can download a PDF version from their website ObjectSource for only $US10.99. Its pretty good and focuses on explaining how to do real things with Struts rather than writing a disseration on MVC patterns.
I also like the Manning Struts book in parts (eg. their taglib descriptions are very good), but you have to wade through a lot of not very well explained examples to get to find them.
Finally I think the names used for the Struts components are totally confusing for the beginner. Try leaving the word Action out and the meaning of things like ActionForms ActionError ActionForward becomes a little less confusing.
20 years ago
Hi Raphael,
When you're booking you exam, you get to choose a center and they show you all available dates in that center for the exam
Hmmm, good advice.
So Prometic in Frankfurt show dates for the test, but to book the test you, of course, need a voucher from Sun.
Sun Germany appear not to offer vouchers for CX-310-090 and the Sun UK site mentions that their vouchers are only valid in the UK and Ireland.
So is it a test nobody can take?
Slightly off topic, but does anyone know when the SCBCD will be offered in mainland Europe?
The cert. is mentioned on the U.K. and Irish Sun websites, but I can't find any mention of how to get a voucher to take the exam any place close to me ... Germany, Holland, Lux etc.
It's not a language localization issue, as all the other certs (including the J2EE Architect exam) are available in English.
Anyone know the answer or can suggest who to contact in Sun Germany?