S. Ganapathy

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since Mar 26, 2003
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For example, if you want to travel from country A to country C and there's stopoever at B (A->B->C), there'll be two segments reflected on the itinerary. The route is A to C.

So 1 segment is assoicated to 1 flight. But in my opinion, 1 flight can be associated to more than 1 segment.

Passenget p1 wish to travel from country A to country B.
There are many alternatives.
One is directly from A --> C
Second is from A --> B --> C, using the same flight.
Third is from A --> D --> C, changinf flight at D.
A --> B --> C is called segment, or
A --> D --> C is called segment or leg?
Thanks in advance.
Ganapathy., S

fc_1 = new FileOutputStream(fileNameNormalized_1,true).getChannel();
fileSize_0 = (int)fc_0.size();

fc_0.size() returns a long value. But this is type cast to int. once size returns the value greater than Integer.MAX_VAL, the value becomes negative.
Please check this.
Ganapathy, S.
[ June 16, 2004: Message edited by: S. Ganapathy ]
20 years ago
Hi All,
I am facing some problem in internationalizing chinese characters.

Both are displaying same output. That means number of bytes and number of characters are same. But each chinese character occupies 2 bytes, so number of characters should be half of number of bytes if all the characters added are chinese only.
Thanks in advance for the reply.
Ganapathy, S.
20 years ago
Hi Michael,
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Technology Study Guide
by Mark Cade (Author), Simon Roberts (Author) is preferred.

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide
by Paul Allen (Author), Joseph Bambara (Author) - do not buy. This book has lot of mistakes.
Ganapathy, S.
BMP bean performance is always better than CMP bean. At the most CMP bean can perform as good as BMP bean. Main reason is that container generate generic database queries to satisfy multiple databases. This is what I read soe where regarding differences bet. BMP and CMP. Please refer Mastering EJB II for further reference.
So according to that A, C, and D are correct options.
Ganapathy, S.
Hi Ajit,
Single point of failure is architectural related or application related?
If a single machine in a network serves the request, and if any failure (hardware or software), it is called single point of failure. This is what I read previously somewhere. Can you please brief about it, as I don't know much about it.
Thanks in advance Ajit.
Ganapathy, S.
Thankyou verymuch Lasse Koskela.
21 years ago
Hi shivan,
If you are using Apache SOAP, the following steps you can follow to write full code.

[ December 30, 2003: Message edited by: S. Ganapathy ]
21 years ago
I am using Apache Axis 1.1 client, and the server is MS SOAP Server.
I want to know how to set SOAPAction. Previously I was using Apache SOAP instead of Axis. I need to port the old code to Axis.
Previously I was using Message.send(destinationURL, saopAction, messageEnvelope).
Is there any equivalent in Axis, or how to send the webservice call from Axis client to MS SOAP Server.
21 years ago
Hi Varun,
Please go through the logs first(access.log in apache). And then go through the httpd.conf where you will find how to configure.
21 years ago
Hi rose hegde,
Use javascript confirm method to display confirmation dialog.
if (confirm(condition) == true) {
subit the request
} else {
do nothing
Will the following code work?

I am surprised to see the following two statements:
request.setAttribute ("value", i);
Integer i = session.getAttribute ("value");
Oh!!! Setting the attribute in request scope, and searching the attribute in session scope.
Please correct this first.
21 years ago
Session can be invalidated by two methods. First is the server finds the last accessed time of the session(time stamp) and the current time , and finds the difference, and matches with the session time out parameter configured in webserver configuration file, or the explicitly set value for that particular session.
Second one is user can invalidate their session by invoking invalidate() method on the session object by the user.
21 years ago
Hi Varun,
When the client sends a request first time to the server, it creates and attaches a session to your request with the session id. Each session is identified with the session id. Server maintains each client's session in the form of name-value pairs(Here it is sessionID-SessionObject).
When you call request.getSession(), you will be receiving session object bound to your request by the server. Each time client sends a request to server, session id is also attached to request by cookies, or url rewriting, or in the form of hidden form fields, etc.
You are actually adding attributes to your session. This is possible with session.setAttribute(key, value). As long as your session is alive, you can get the previously set attributes using session.getAttribute(key).
Hope you understood about the session.
21 years ago
Hi Varun,
Have you ever seen the apache's logs directory?
Please have a look at access.log. You will find ip address, and time at which the mentioned page is accessed, etc.
Logging is a configurable parameter. Find the information in apache's configuration file (httpd.conf).
This concept is same for most of webservers, but log directory name may be different, and conf file may be different.
You can add custom logging through Servlet API as well. Find the useful in th API.
21 years ago