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Lucian Whiteman wrote:I have over 10 years in the industry,
Lucian Whiteman wrote:yet only today I got to read that agile manifesto.
Lucian Whiteman wrote:i) Individuals and interactions over Processes and tools.
Individuals = conflicting interest, conflicting visions, different capacity, egos. Why is there no mention of that ?
Interactions = on the fly decisions, inability to research the experience of others, the idea with most followers gets automatically chosen
Lucian Whiteman wrote:ii) Working software over Comprehensive documentation
Working = it works today, what about its technical debt ? What about its efficiency ? What about its modularity ? Why is there no mention of that ?
Documentation = straw man fallacy. How stupid needs one be to compare software with documentation ? Why don't they compare working software with free of bugs software, or with durability optimized software, or with cheap but buggy software ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:iii) Individuals and interactions over Processes and tools
Lucian Whiteman wrote:iv) Customer collaboration over Contract negotiation
Client has conflicting interests and vision with software firm and developers. Thus client cannot be best friends with dev. Why is there no mention of that ?
What about conflict situations and unpredicted difficulties ?
Who is responsible for what and who gets blamed for failures ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:v) Responding to change over Following a plan
Plan means initiative + research + agency + purpose. Why is there no mention of that ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:Responding = passive + lack of ownership. How is that better ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:What causes this change ? What sort of change are you talking about, Obama ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:Where is the big picture and who has the general vision when this change happens ?
Lucian Whiteman wrote:Following = someone else is responsible for that plan. Responding = someone else is causing your actions yet you are responsible for the outcome.
Lucian Whiteman wrote:“That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.”
Not enough courage to claim that the things on the right are of less value (to them) than the things on the left
Lucian Whiteman wrote:How much more value is one item on the left is worth than one on the right ? left = 101% right or left = 237% right ?
How much value ? How is this relevant to our daily work ?
chris webster wrote:I've never felt able to justify spending so much more for a Mac than I'd pay for a PC, but maybe you can give me an excuse to think again!