Arthur Leo

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since Mar 29, 2003
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Recent posts by Arthur Leo

I installed Tomcat 5.0.19 to 2 Windows XP machines, and it worked fine. However, when I tried to install Tomcat 5.0.19 to Windows 2000 and 2003 servers, it didn't work.

The installation file I used was jakarta-tomcat-5.0.19.exe. When installation was finished, Tomcat showed up on the list of Windows Services on the 2000 and 2003 servers. But when I tried to start the service, I got an error:

Could not start Tomcat service on local computer.
Error 1053: The service didn't respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Does anyone know why this error happens?

19 years ago
Thank you, Nimchi.

I had manually updated the <action input> attribute, and included the <html:base /> tag. However, I am still getting broken images. I think there is something else that needs to be updated.


20 years ago

I ran into a confusing problem using Struts in WSAD. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I had a page Customer.jsp with a DynaValidatorForm. If the user input was valid, the user would be forwarded to Confirm.jsp and see the data display. If the input was invalid, the user would be pushed back to Customer.jsp where I display validation error in <html:errors/>. Everything was fine there.

Later on I needed to move the 2 jsp pages to subdirectory Sub. I used the WSAD "move" feature to move Customer.jsp to /Sub/Customer.jsp, and Confirm.jsp to /Sub/Confirm.jsp. The WSAD "move" feature missed some settings so I had to manually update action-mappings tag in struts-config.xml. Now the problem is: when the user input is invalid, text display comes out fine but images are broken. It looks like the error display page is coming out from the root directory instead of the Sub subdirectory. And the URL shows up as "mysite/", which should be "mysite/Sub/Customer.jsp" When the user input is valid, the result display is still good.

Am I missing some settings? Or do I need to look into some configuration Xml files for a clue?

Thanks in advance!

20 years ago
hi there,
does anyone know the answer? is it possible or nay? or do u guys think i may have a better chance find the answer on ibm's bulletin board?
21 years ago
Does anyone know how to make the file name appear in the header or footer text on the printout from WSAD 5.0?
Printouts of my source code files from WSAD 5.0 are fine, except that I cannot seem to customize the print function to show the file names.
21 years ago
Yes, the compiler error was that the superclass CMP bean and its attributes were not mapped to a data source. Giving the CMP bean mapping specification should fix the error.
Thank you!
21 years ago
I am writing a BMP bean to map to a DB2 table on OS/390. In ejbCreate and other methods in the BMP bean class, I have JDBC code to access the DB2 table.
WSAD 5.0 gives me only one compiler error: it complains that I don't have a mapping to a data source. My question: do I need to specify a data source through WSAD for the BMP bean? Do I configure the mapping in server perspective?
When I write this BMP bean, I followed IBM's recommendation, created a CMP bean first as the superclass for the BMP bean. I didn't do any mapping for that superclass CMP bean. Is the superclass CMP causing that compiler error?
I have a different CMP bean that works fine. Of course I have the data source mapping defined for that CMP bean, which maps to a different table.
Thanks in advance for your help!
21 years ago