Newman Huang

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since Mar 31, 2003
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Recent posts by Newman Huang

hi, Jeff

is there any differences for agent and customer to use the system?
i saw the same question before. and i remember someone's post said there is a detail discussion whether to use collocated or distributed in chapter19 of Mastering EJB (you can download the free copy from theserverside). it is worth to take a good looking.
the grading for assignment is judged by how your design supports both web client and app client well. so you should demonstrate the supporting for both the two clients in your diagram.
from the CEO/CIO introductions, there are several servers to host the booking system. it is necessary to consider the physical deployment.
another point, 2-tier architecture is not equals to 'fat client'.
i think this is a simple&complicated question. in traditional fat client application, the client fetches data from server and computes the result. the presentation and business is mixed together in the client side, and the computing consumes the resources of client machine. fad mode is a bad thing such as hard to maintain code, bottleneck happens when a big amount clients connect to avoid these things, 3-tiers came out. the obvious things for 3-tier are diff kinds of 'server' emerge in our sight, web server, app server, also including the old db server. there is no additional client app installed in client machine except for a browser. and so, we can say your client is 'thin' once your application holds a web server. but, i don't think the implementation is undoubtedly real-thin when a web server is used, such as writing java code to implement all the business logic in jsp without obey the MVC mode(at least the MVC1.5 style). okey, go back to the question,

In one of questions we have architecture which consists of:
- 3 clustered web servers
- db with business logic implemented in PL/SQL

: sure it is a very very thin client type. the business logic is implemented in the data layer.

In the other we have:
- Apache web server for presentation and business logic
- separate server for the Sybase db
: i am not sure because i don't know how it implements the business logic, maybe it uses cgi with perl? if a good separation between presentation and business logic, it is sure a real-thin client, the presentation 'thin' client to the business logic layer(middle server), and the pure business logic 'thin' client to the data server.

any comments?
hi david,
read through the DELIVERABLES section and search related topics in this forum entirely.
hi andrew,
before you can make a decision, you need to make clear the business meaning for thoese domain objects - itinerary, segment... try to answer and confirm it, and then you can work forward.
hi sam,
you need to know the natural api methods of the triad beans, such as what the function is, when it is called, etc. you also need to know the methods like findBy, ejbCreate... they are simple, right?
hi deiveehan,
i think the Sun guys won't happy on your thoughts, and such a thing is outside the exam. also, your doubt is outside it too.
i think Cade's book is a bit contracted for those who are not familiar with J2EE system and have no more experiences in the platform. the guid book from Allen and Bambara is more detail and suitable for a good study.
i spent 3 months(2 hours per working day<Mon-Fri>, a whole day of weekend<Sat-Sun> preparing for part-I. i had 3 years experiences in j2ee at that time, mainly using jsp, servlet, and never using ejb in real project. the preparation time is different for people with different background. my suggestion is to do simulator testing(e.g. whizlabs) to check your level after a whole knowledge-point review. you'd better make clear what level you have arrived at before your formal testing.
hi, Francesco,

your question maybe relate with how you draw your sequence diagram. is it a big one or different diagram for each use case? if you choose the former, the pre/post condition is not a problem for your operation procedures are all in one diagram. if you draw them in different small diagrams, the pre/post condition means it is drawed in other diagram. you need to link them togethor to express the relationship.