Rolf Moholth

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since Mar 31, 2003
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Recent posts by Rolf Moholth

This is my problem: My application uses typical Norwegian character like "oslash", i.e. 0x00f8 in the ISO8859-1 character encoding. The "oslash" is displayed perfectly OK by my application EXCEPT WHEN USED IN WINDOW TITLES. In those cases it is displayed as a "1/2" character.

WHY?? I've tried excplicitely converting my internal string to ISO8859-1, but with no luck whatsoever. Inspecting the default character encoding of my application during runtime also reveals that it IS ISO8859-1.

The application works OK on XP.

HELP!! How do I get my "oslash" in the window titles!!
20 years ago
How do I achieve the following effect:
From my "tool box" dialog window, I can couble click and start one of several "tools". Several tools will be active at the same time.
Each tool is implemented as a main dialog box. It is possible to launch new dialogs from the main dialog boxes of each tool.
I need to have the dialog boxes of different tool "modeless" with respect to one another, while within a single tool, they should be "modal". The effect being that I cannot have more ONE ACTIVE DIALOG FROM THE SAME TOOL, but I will have ONE ACTIVE DIALOG FROM EACH TOOL. This is a kind of mixture of both modal and modeless. Tried to achieve it with threads, but failed.
If anyone understood my problem: Please, a hint will be greatly appreciated!
21 years ago

Originally posted by Dirk Schreckmann:
Welcome to JavaRanch, Rolf!
That sounds like a strange and frustrating problem in deed.
When you're speaking of Windows 2000 and the SP3 installation, is it correct to assume that this is the OS running on the client that is having the problem?
Any chance you could post an example Applet on a server some place that others could take a look at and let you know of their experiences?

Thanks for the response, Dirk!
Yes, you're correct in that the client is running the Win2000 SP3, and I suspect that there is some kind of problem with the comibation Win2000 SP3, JBuilder 6.0, JRE 1.4.0-beta3. When I view the JAR file on the PC, I can see all my icon files there with proper names and directories and all. But the my "ImageLoader" class cannot find it. I have so far settled for actually installing the GIF files on the server, but I would really like to avoid that. It makes updating the JAVA code much harder.
About the server: I have tried the applet in several ways: (1) Running from JBuilder- icons&jar works OK , (2) Running by double-clicking the HTML-file on my PC - icons&jar does NOT WORK , (3) Serving the Applet from a Apache server running on my PC - icons&jar does NOT WORK ,
and finally (4) Serving the Applet from the HTTP server on my NETOS based embedded system - icons&jar does NOT WORK
The applet itself cannot be used on any server, it's for an embedded system and requires that system to run properly. I'll try to make a simpler version of the applet that only illustrates the icon problem.
Regards, Rolf
21 years ago
Here's my problem:
I'm currently loading icons into my APPLET from GIF and JPEG files. These files are loaded from the applet JAR file.
However: On Friday I installed Service Pack 3 for my Win2000. At that point, the following strange thing happened:
(1) I can still load the icon files I generated BEFORE my SP3 update
(2) I am NOT able to load any icon files I generated AFTER that unfortunate SP3 update
(3) If a make a copy of a GIF file made from BEFORE the SP3 update - THIS COPY DOES NOT LOAD FROM THE JAR FILE EITHER!
I'm feeling a bit ....
I'd really like to avoid to copy the icon files down to the server. I need to keep them in my JAR file to (a) Save FLASH storage, (b) Make things a bit easier to maintain...
Can anyone shed some light or add to my confusion?
Regards, Rolf
21 years ago