Sunder Ganapathy

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 01, 2003
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Recent posts by Sunder Ganapathy

1. Using textarea does not give line-break , which you may try with a simple HTML and see.
2. Using \n also does not give line-break.
3. You need to use tag for this purpose.
4. Using table option does provide the line-break.
5. The column value used, for the database is, 'I am here \n You are there \n I am not going any where. '
6. The jsp code is as follows.
15 years ago
Actually, following these simple rules, helps not only creating easily maintainable software, it also helps in
creating customer delight, the single purpose for which the software was originally brought into existence, with an
additional add on, of increased bank balance for both the customer and the software creator, due to better
15 years ago
I enjoy Bear's replies. Simply superb. Never hesitates to hit the nail on its head.
15 years ago
You can only parse through the request once .
15 years ago
You can create separate java classes for icustomer & txioninstall . These will be Java Beans with regular getters and setters.

You can then have a CustomerDB class wherein you can access the database and form an arraylist of all Customers and the corresponding monthwise amounts.

In your JSP you can then call c:forEach and print from the arraylist.

It is a pretty easy affair.
15 years ago
The Java Bean ( DTO ) is as follows:

The Java Bean ( DAO ) is as follows.

JSP accessing the DAO class is as follows.

The database ( test ) is updated with state names in a table ( states ) .
15 years ago
1. What is this advertisement ?

2. What is this Search facility ?

Some examples will help.
Any sample site ?
15 years ago
Thanks a lot Bear. You mentioned "It requires a little bit of a change in thinking.".
You helped me to achieve. Thanks a lot once again.
15 years ago
Thanks a lot for all the feedback.
15 years ago
The relevant Bean code is as follows where errors is a hashtable.

If I use it returns the error message correctly.

If I change it to I get the following error.
:javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'errorMsg' not found on type com.Login

How to overcome this problem.
15 years ago
Thanks Cameron.

When I came to know that validating can also be done using Hibernate,
I started using the same "C:\_hiblib" for this also. I was using Log4j also
in my program . In one of the JBOSS forums, I read that duplicate declarations
cause problems . Now the issue is resolved.
I get the above message while using logging in a Hibernate program.

The message is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

I have all the jar files, namely, ejb3-persistence, hibernate3, hibernate.cfg,
hibernate-annotations, hibernate-commons-annotations, hibernate-entitymanager and hibernate-validator in both classpath and Tomcat lib file.
What could be the reason.
There are two options.

1. You may login into Amazon and get the book from them. You only need to
give your credit card no. It takes less than two weeks to get the book.
2. Ask your local vendor to purchase it on your behalf.

The above code displays "ADD RESET and CANCEL" buttons.

The following code should be called when 'ADD' button is pressed.
I find it is not happening, since, there is no message on the console.

The original contacts.jsp which calls both form.jsp and listing.jsp is as

16 years ago
While using 'form.jsp', after pressing 'ADD', I do not find,
'listing.jsp' being loaded. The codes are as follows.


listing.jsp: :

16 years ago