Owen Leung

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since Apr 01, 2003
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I am not surprised, job requirement is like this nowaday. I saw many of the job ad like this, the skillset list is at least 70 % to 80 % as long as this one.
21 years ago
I personally did not buy the WhizLab because I think it's too expensive. But I tried out the trail version, the questions are very similar to the real exam. I think the WhizLab will definitely help in clearing Part I because it gives you many more examples to study if you are OK with the price.
If you feel that you have strong experience in J2EE, I think you just need to review the stuffs with the Study Guide "Sun Certified Enterprise Architect" for J2EE Technology" by Mark Cade to clear part I. Study the Pet Store example carefully on the Sun website to prepare for Part II/III. You can also refer to the SCEA exam objective to see which topic you need further reading. For myself, I find the Mastering EJB by Roman and UML Distrilled by Martin pretty useful for the exam. Hope that helps.
My class diagram has 25 to 30 classes (the objects in the class diagram does not necessary to match with the objects in the sequence diagram). It fits on one page (portrait) and it's pretty clear. I think it depends on how you organize your classes to show them on the class diagram.
[ May 01, 2003: Message edited by: Owen Leung ]
I use Enterprise Architect trial version. It is very easy to use !
Does anyone know if there is a logo for SCEA and SCWCD like the one for SCJP after certified ?? Thanks.
Yeah, they just fixed the problem for me too! I am from Toronto, thanks. Hope I don't have to wait too long for the result after taking part III. Where are you from, HanMing ?
I have completed the Part II assignment but have some problem uploading it, I have sent Sun Cert an email to fix it, still waiting for their response. I have scheduled to take part III two days later, but no sure if the uploading problem will be fixed by that time. I am not not sure if there will be any problem or any delay if I have taken part III before submitting part II ?? Anyone have any idea ?
I have asked Sun and they said it's ok for me to go ahead to take part 3 now, it's just that they have to be bundle together for grading ...