Amy Phillips

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Amy Phillips

Thanks very much! I am all sorted now
20 years ago

I have finally started my next Servlet attempt but am having troubles with the javaranch.common package. I have got it in my classpath but when I try and compile I get the following error cannot access javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
file javax\servlet\http\HttpServlet.class not found
public class AddVideoServlet extends LogServlet
1 error

Is this because it can't find the javaranch package or is it to do with my JDK?


20 years ago
Well done Terry!

20 years ago
Welcome to the Cattle Drive Justin!

Summer in England is like catching those moose - you need eternal optimism
20 years ago
Hi Gary,

Sounds very strange - maybe a memory problem?

Good Luck, I hope you manage to get it working

20 years ago
Hi Gary,

I managed to get your code working (after removing your package and the two private variables ) but everything seemed to be working fine for me. When I clicked the menu items the word Listener appeared in the Console window.

maybe try the code without those lines I mentioned above and see what happens?

20 years ago
ahh so the args[0].length() is using the length() in the String class?

I suppose thats why Mike pointed out the contents of the array had to be able to be asked for a length...
20 years ago
Is it because the args.length is using the array attribute whereas the args[0].length() has to call the length method in the array class?

this is just a guess btw
20 years ago
It really is an amazing number of rabbits
20 years ago
Congratulations on getting that job Juliane
20 years ago
wow very jealous Pauline I am inserious need of a holiday. Hoping to get to the coast of Poland but at the moment my lack of German is causing problems

Still its looking like we might actually have another sunny summer in England
20 years ago
Since I am now strating to think about catching that darn servlets moose again I feel I can at least show my face around these parts again

Anyway since its so quite down here thought i might start some random ramblings...

Anyone got any plans for the summer? I am finally graduating from university after a traumatic four years and hopefully will find my way into a job! Really though my main aim at the moment is to go on holiday and maybe even relax a bit

Anyone got any exciting plans for this year?

20 years ago
Hi cassie,
I usually create a class which extends a JFrame and contains everything I want for my popup window. Then add an actionListener to the button you want to open the form. On the button being clicked I create an instance of my popup window form, call the method to make it do something and then call
there are probably better ways but it works
[ April 12, 2004: Message edited by: Amy Phillips ]
20 years ago
Brilliant! Thanks Steve I have got it working
20 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions Steve. I have been trying to implement the getValueAt and have it return an object which is really a test object (i.e. the item put into the selected cell was a Test object) but it comes out as an object and I am seemingly unable to convert it. This would be a problem if anyone knows how I can pass this object to another class and retrieve the matching Test object from an ArrayList? at the moment I have

Otherwise I have been trying to implement my own table model to return a Test from the getValueAt and this is going a little better but I am having troubles implementing an addRow() and a removeRow() - these were orginally handled by the DefaultTableModel and I can't seem to find anything on how I could implement this functionality through the AbstractTableModel - Any ideas?
Thanks very much
20 years ago