Dhanush Dharsh

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since Oct 30, 2000
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Recent posts by Dhanush Dharsh

Is it worth spending -- Depends on your goals that motivate you to take the exam.

In other words if someone asks me whether a certified architect gets any special consideration in the job market...My answer would be a big NO. Java and J2EE has been around for over a decade and is pretty widely accepted in the enterprise software market. It used to make a difference earlier this decade..not any more.

Only advantage I see is by doing this, you are challenging yourself..outside your work where you have more control over what you are doing and are given a good opportunity to stand up for yourself...Now if you wanna ask me whether thats worth it...hell yeah.....its worth a lot more that that...
Hi Tausif,
You dont need any prior certifications to give SCEA. A good knowledge of Java and J2EE is desirable as you are gonna design a J2EE based application in the second part. Click here to find more details.
Hi Vikas,
Checkout usage of FileSystemView. It is an abstract class under javax.swing.filechoser. You can create a subclass of FileSystemView and using that create a folder.
20 years ago
Hi Eduardo,
I dont think this is a bad approach and cant think about a better approach. In fact I had suggested and implemented the same thing in one of my earlier assignemnts and till date there was no issues reported by the client regarding the basic service level requirements.
Hi Aanand,
The part 1 exam is primarily based on EJB1.1 which is part of J2EE1.2 version. There is no specific message from sun on the platform for the design assignment. You can use J2EE1.4 version in your assignment. But remember to document at the beginning of your assumptions that you are using J2EE1.4 and then proceed. Hope this helps.
Hi Kishore,
Though the asssignment spec says you have to deliver one class diagram, There is nothing wrong if you deliver more than one. One consolidated diagram would result in a very large sized diagram cluttering a huge amount of space and will reduce readability. So if you want to break your class diagram, it is allowed to do so provided you give proper reasons and indicators in order to maintain the consistency and continuity for the evaluator.
Hi Eduardo,
As long you provide ample support your changes to the business model with proper assumptions, there is no issue. You can fiddle around with the assignment. Only thing to remember is that ur assumptions shd support your stance.
Hi Martin,
I have heard from people who have passed part 2 that there is no specific restriction regarding the number of class/component diagrams. It is basically how much you gather from the requirement doc and how far you can imagine (assume) and support it. There is certainly no mark deduction for additional diagrams. Hope this makes it clear.
Hi Han,
Congrats..great score. Time to party
Hi Ling,
I think it would be a better approach to have your own implementation of ListSelectionModel and ListSelectionListener used in JTable. This would give you the flexibility to have your own way to implementing selecting stuff in the table.
20 years ago
Since you had mentioned that you open a file by clicking on a link, this should be because of a problem in the server where the file is hosted. Please check the permission on the path and .csv file on the server. If it is readonly, make it writable and try again.
20 years ago
Hi Ramesh,
You can take this exam. This exam doesnt require any earlier certifications though a good knowledge of Java/J2EE is desirable. Check out the FAQ section here to get more information.
Hi Fiddy,
You can use a JScrollPane to display a table. Put the JTable in a JScrollPane and put tha JScrollPane into a JFrame.
Coming to non-editable JTable, I am afraid you have to create your own table model for that. Look below for a simple example.

DefaultTableModel is a very simplistic model with little flexibility, the flexibility comes from being able to plug in your own table model.
Hope this helps.
20 years ago
In my opinion, you could use RandomAccessFile and seek method or use FileReader to read and skip method if you know the length of the tailer info. Something like skip (fileLength - trailerLength) and read the tailer but it still required reading the file once.
20 years ago
What is your inputFile ? Is it a serialized file ? or just a text file ? from the name it looks like a text file. In such a case why are you using readObject on ObjectInputStream. Could you be a little more specific on the type of input you are providing ? If you are reading a text file, it would return a StreamCorruptedException withe a message "invalid stream header".
20 years ago