Matt Cao

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since Apr 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Matt Cao


Have you veterans noticing something significant at the current labor market? I have seen too many students high school and college not even graduated yet but razor sharps. They are the new darlings of corporations receiving perks that some of you could compare to the dotcom boom. Shallow thinkers you jump and predict the new phenomenon is on the horizon. I hope you, ranchers, are deep thinkers. I think something deep such as our westerners living standard foundation is shrinking before our own very eyes. Some may said, it is nothing news. If you see the whole airplane load, then you may have think deeper too.

BTW, I may not have time to post here more than I like too specially reading some of the wise folks here. I have created many business trusts entangled one into anothers hoping they will form as trails for my children so they not to work ways too hard like myself in this life time. Good Lucks and Prosperity to you all.

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20 years ago

The software industry in the west is not hot as you think it was/is. People who claim there is a shortage, usually are those have direct interests into making money from people like you. Since you are not really established a foothold in the industry yet, I think you should chose another profession related to self-employed such as lawyer, medical doctor, salesperson, financial advisor, or appraiser. If not then you may have to think about the circumstantial profession such as nurse.

The alternative is that you are an expert/become an expert on the user side/any business operations, you will use it as your ticket into the game. Sorry, for breaking your day-dream.

Edit: As I have mentioned to other rancher couple weeks ago, the market is tough, but it is not impossible to break in. It will continue to be tough because the industry already figure out what can be outsourcing/offshoring and what's not. The need will not and never be high as people expect such as during the dotcom boom level.

[ May 23, 2004: Message edited by: Matt Cao ]
20 years ago

I think you still can find employment in this period because some of the experiences people already and still create their startup businesses everyday. If you just learn how to walk the pavement and forget about the negativities people yap about startup, you could collect experiences here and there.

Do not ask for a handout. By that I meant do not ask for a job, learn to start from the operations side and work your ways into the development side or whatever suit your career goal at the moment.

The problem with majority American is that they have been ingrained or brainwashed since childhood such as get education, join the large corporation, and your life will be set. Your grandpa/grandma never have to deal with jobs offshore. They never deal the wonder of internet whether pro or con, internet is the major technology that change every facets of our lives. An interesting time.

20 years ago

If offshoreable is your primary fear, then your new endeavor exploration trip is very limited.

If someone sane enough listen to a voice on the phone or internet when dealing with something you hold dearly to your heart is beyond my imagination.

20 years ago

Java Developer is very much a general employment opportunities whereas Financial Advisor is very much as can you identify yourself as similar to those people holding the green bags. Based on your name here, I would said why's not?

20 years ago

Sorry for slow respond in regarding to the webpages, I have so many pet projects for my company...

I like the webpages logic, somehow it is a little bit slow in loading. Among the ranchers, I notice a fellow named John Travolta.. . His webpages are very professional presenting. If the vacation thing business is also your family business, I think you should invest more time and energy into it. I know a several people in lifestyle business, very successful in term of money.

20 years ago

Originally posted by C. Marls:
Hi matt, i've been working as a general helper in my family's business. They have a cleaning company that works mostly for movietheaters in newengland and newyork. They do the general cleaning of the theathers.

At least you are a Billy not Julio. Let's pretend this is an impromptu interview. No need to answer them. I just try to help you to think, to see from an interviewer side.
1.) Could you describe to me how it is the cleaning business run?
2.) Where do you obtain the funding?
3.) How do you book the theater works?
4.) Explain the bidding process?
5.) How do obtain the equipments to do the cleaning?
6.) Do you acquire outside helper?
7.) What is the compensation process?
8.) How do you forecast the business flow?
9.) If you have to hire a manager, what is your business ratio tolerance for this manager performance?
I could go on and on. This is what I meant by operations. They also enclose several processes. The processes could be automated with computerization, in your case Java, if you wishes. The operations could not be automated by computerization, this is where business people have a leg up on those technical folks.

Well I help my mom on the office doing whatever she needs me to do(not fun), and on the computer i don't do much just use word and sometimes quickbooks to make checks. Well when her computer crashes i am the one that try to solves all the problems. Sometimes i also have to go and do cleaning as well(really not fun).

On similar I could throw some questions here too.

Along with that title comes another one; webmaster :-) I built and manage a webpage for a rental house in florida here is the link or well, that's more fun, but i don't really do much anymore on that. After i built it and set everything up, i ran out of things to do on that. If you can suggest me of a java program i could make in the future to enjance the page so i can put on my resume that i have some realworld experience it would be great.

I will take a look at them and give you feedbacks later.

I don't have taxes to prove that i've worked because i didnt' really get a pay check last year, i was just getting some money as grattitud for my servises, lol. Now i'm gettimg payed but i don't like doing this because most of the time i end up cleaning movie theathers. I will pay taxes next year. I hope I have to pay a lot, that would mean i got a good job and made a lot of money :-)

I only remember Uncle Sam when people twisted my arms.

I want to mayor in computer science hardware, and learn the software part from classes or by myself because is easier to learn software for me. I love programing, and if i land a job in that area where i can get experience and climb to the top, i will be a happy person.

Thinks harder on those questions and try to come up with a software, Java Technologies great, without them, it's OK. Have yourself a porfolio, fully documentations describe every single processes, flowcharts, data dictionaries, etc.
Locate a Java companies in your local and show them your potentials, I am sure those profs know how to read cross languages and technologies. The bottom line is showing your potential. You are young, company will invest in you. Do not look down on your family business, working for people even harder and not fun too.
Remember what I said, create contacts, build relationships. Have a clear focus of your career, if you continue define it, every year. About your high school reunion, you will be more successful than majority of your classmates.
20 years ago

Originally posted by C. Marls:
Hi matt, are you advising me to go now without experince? Or should i wait a little until i get some more java experience. I graduated last year, and i've been working with my familly in a family own business; but the time has come for me to get into the real job market and as i said i'm willing to work hard so i don't have to flip any burgers.
About the fake jobs
Wasnt' aware of that.

Yes, there are fake jobs existed since the dotcom boom.

You are just graduated from high school. Companies do not expected that you have any practical experience. You are lucky than a whole people that you born into a family own business. May I know what kind of business your family running in such way that how could you parlay it as your experience.
You mention that you are an aspiring Java Programmer/Developer. Are you sure this will be your future? OK. Let's assume it is. The technologies, syntax, etc. you could learn from here on this ranch, learn from your potential co-workers, your supervisor, and from college. But the experience, the how-know to run the business of any company in any industry must come from working with that particular company. You will collect the knowledge from the operations side/user side. It is far more important than the knowledge you gain from studying Java Technologies.
Companies will not trust you to crank out code for them immediately anyway. You are considered bless, if any of the engineers/developers/programmers will take you under their wings. Once they comfortable with your verbal & flowchart logics. They will walk with you when you do a first few actual coding. After they test you on your syntax.
The hardest thing is get into the company and get into the professional hearts. Once you establish them, the rest are considered try and learn by errors.
Be prepare to answer them why are delayed your continue education. The longer you delay to join the company, the harder the interview process and questions will be. You will not be a fresh young thing forever...
I joined the labor force since junior year in high shool because I wanted the exotic sport car that my neighbor down the street owning. But it never mentioned while trying to build the relationship with the engineers. They might said go flipping hamburger for it. Darn, it would be a million hamburgers.
[ May 08, 2004: Message edited by: Matt Cao ]
20 years ago
The principle behind my strategy was why paying ahead when you have no idea what is the future will bring. Get inside the organization hearts and learn more than just one things at the expend of the people who charmed by you. You may earn more than the minimum wages depending on your GPA and your soft skills. Once you like the coder career, then follow Don S adviced by get the fun and educated text book, hang around this site to learn combine with what those co-workers teach you. People at work, will encourage you to enroll in college too. Study what is what you will discover once the company take you on board.
Remember the introduction letter to the company and the visit trip is not about trying to get the job! You try to create contacts, build relationships, job will come when a day, you are not even expected.
My was on Friday evening, one of the engineer got promoted. He called and ask me to join his party. I was not even qualified to drink beer at the time yet. They had paperworks ready for me to fill in and I was Engineer Assistant Intern (the word Intern in handwritten). As the engineer explained to me by him inserting the intern tittle so I could have flexible schedule for my education and yet still covered with benefits.
20 years ago
Hi Falana,
Nope. I am in US and yes my partner is in Taiwan and US. Billy T and a few folks know the magnitude of my partner presence in the technology world.
Taiwan is still a third world country, it has its shares of crappy procedures. For example, legislators beat the living daylight of each others during the congress/representative session. Wise folks tell me they just like wrestling in US, all kisses and hugs afterward.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jesse Torres:

Your comment is pure ignorance. You posted a similar remark on my thread, last week. It appears that you are the one who needs to learn how to communicate more effectively. Start by putting an end to your unwarranted and baseless comments.

If my input offended you last time, you should have said so. Otherwise, I assume it correct. Anyway, yes, I still learn to communicate more effectively everyday. Since I am already a partner with a large organization, it only manifest the magnitude of my decision on everything affect my organization.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Adithya Rayaprolu:

Hi Matt Cao,
This is not an Indian interview procedure, this is an AMERICAN interview procedure, I too don't understand why they have such interview procedure. Don't generalize things. I am being interviewed in USA, not India.
[ May 05, 2004: Message edited by: Adithya Rayaprolu ]

I should have asked where was your locale. Anyway, as I said previously it has nothing more than they throw you a technical scenario and you need to solve it.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jeroen Wenting:
no more crap it seems than "assessment centers", "aptitude tests", etc. etc. which Europeans and Americans are subjected to and which serve no purpose except to make the companies providing them rich.
Had one ex-colleague who would have been hired except for one of those.
Technical interviews went perfect, IT department wanted him badly but HR insisted on running him through an assessment center. The outcome of that (that he was unsuited to work in IT, all they'd done was have him roleplay some scripted thingy that had nothing at all to do with the job he applied for) was more important than the excellent technical merits he'd shown to the IT bosses.
Forgot to mention, the man has 20 years of IT experience under his belt plus another 10 as an editor for a radio and TV station yet that "test" showed him a person who cannot relate to others and should not work in IT or any job requiring customer contact...
[ May 05, 2004: Message edited by: Jeroen Wenting ]

Then the test worh it. IT experience is one thing, the person underneath is the one the company has to deal with days in and days out.
I have been through six hours interview with the panel. I might have been through the several "tests" during the process without me realizing it.
20 years ago
I advice stalk out the local java companies through the local college career center, it has the list of several companies in your area. Zero in the company that you think best suit to your life style, send a snail mail describe your scenario, your career goal, and ask could you have the tour of the company and specially have a chat with those developers. Check your grammar and spelling. Majority of the time, you will get the invitation. Everyone do love a young person with a head on his/her shoulders. When you meet a developer that mesh well with your chemistry, be sure to ask does he/she needed an assistant to handle mundane tasks. Stay clear of negative minds people.
BTW, how is your GPA in high school? You need to show them that you are sharp, what better to demonstrate your aptitude than your GPA. They will not require you to have any cert/advanced education. Everyone know as you grow older, your career goal also changes too. You are a virgin trying to see what is labor market is like, since you have a head, you do not have to flipping hamburger like your buddies. Trust me, I should know your position because I was in your shoes so many moons ago.
20 years ago
Hi Billy,
It is depended on the location.
Please be careful of what are you saying, if I were you. This is after all, an internet forum. Think... what if your potential employer looking into this site or bring it up through your name. He/she will have very good idea what kind of potential candidate are you. Even though, you have the whole alphabet soup of certifications. If you feel like letting out steam, MD is the appropriate forum.
20 years ago