Amer Khan

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since Apr 05, 2003
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A bean can be given more than one name so that it can be referred by using different aliases.When using local attribute it means <ref> tag only looks at the bean's id and never at any of its aliases .When injecting a bean by name,the bean attribute of the <ref> tag is used.

<bean id ="injRef" class="com.myPac.ClassA">
<property name="abc">
<ref bean ="good"/>
<bean id="abc" name ="good" class=com.myPac.ClassB"/>

Here 'abc'bean is given an alias using the 'name' attribute and it is injected into intRef bean by uing this alias in conjuction with the bean attribute of the <ref> tag.
[ May 16, 2005: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
Refactorings are typically applied at the implementation level (YEP), but these changes may also affect representations at the design level. Given the behaviour-preserving nature of refactorings, it should be possible to identify what parts of a design (say, a statechart or sequence diagram) remain unaffected and what parts must be refactored accordingly. It should be possible to organize sets of refactorings at the implementation level into larger entities that are meaningful at the design level.
[ September 09, 2004: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
Amer Khan (took the exam on 1/06/04)
Melbourne, Australia.
Ko Ko Naing

My questions were only targeted to the author or anybody who has already read the book.I had no intentions of locking anybody out.
20 years ago
quote: sunitha raghu

Amazon is giving five star rating for this book. Profession struts is also very good for beginners.

Who said i was looking for a beginner book?Please let the author answer my questions.
[ May 18, 2004: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
20 years ago
IMO dont waste your time on online tutorials,get a good book and there are some really good ones out there for beginners.


Hope this helps!
[ May 18, 2004: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
20 years ago
Given that I have intermediate experience of the Struts framework how would your book help me in increasing my knowledge? How much in detail do you cover the advance topics(Struts Validator Framework,Dynamic Forms and Tiles etc)?.Can it be used as a reference?
Do you discuss best practices and design strategies/pitfalls ?

Thanks in advance.
[ May 18, 2004: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
20 years ago

In usa HR can easily find salary they earned from the last company.
So I dont think anyone will give fake resumes.

Chapter 7 -------->J2ee platform Web Services by Ray Lai.(v good)
Chapter 7 ------>pretty good -------Designing Webservices with the J2EE Platform, 2nd Edition
Hi Pankaj,
Thanks for the reply. Today I went to a nearby bookstore during my lunchbreak and I must say once I started going through your book in no time my lunchbreak was over. Congrats on writing such a good book on a very complex topic.
21 years ago
Hi Pankaj,
In your book do you cover Crytographic capabilities of java 2 API and any other cryptographic package provided by other vendors?.
Do you discuss strengths and weaknesses in J2EE security? for example Java's lack of support for encrypted e-mail.(If we need secure e-mail support in Java now ,we would probably go with a proprietary solution.)
Any comments.
Thanks in advance.
[ December 16, 2003: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
21 years ago
In your book do you discuss promient technologies in the area of XML security for instance XML Encryption,XACML,XML DSIG,SAML etc and how to use these technologies together in order to secure a xml based web service.

Thanks in advance.
[ December 18, 2003: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
21 years ago
TRYFree mock ExamsIMO this should be more than enough.

Buy there commercial product (around $30 --- prepared by the authors of the famous SCWCD STUDY KIT)Its called JWebPlus 7 .It is much better than wizlabs ( price--around $70).
I almost forgot,if you participate in the (java-discuss)SCWCD forum you can win JWebPlus 7 for free.

[ December 10, 2003: Message edited by: Amer Khan ]
Thanks alot for the good news.Winning this book has made my day.

And a special thanks to Mr Paul Monday for his participation in the forum,which has been most beneficial.
21 years ago