xi ruo

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since Apr 06, 2003
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Recent posts by xi ruo

Some Webpages can not be visited before loginned in some Website.

How do I keep Loginned-Session use "HttpUnit" after my loginned ,so that I can visit the Webpages directly.
19 years ago

String scriptString = "javascript...." + getMyValue() + "...";
<html:link href="<%= scriptString %>">my link</html:link>

It's matter by my trying,Convert to HTML code following:
<a href="<%=scriptString%>">my link</a>
Srikanth Shenoy:
Thanks for for your suggestion!
20 years ago
I do like this:
<html:link href="javascript penScript('display.jsp?id=<bean:write name="mybean" property="id" />');">my link</html:link>
It's error!
Exception rg.apache.jasper.JasperException: /myCode.jsp(24,157) equal symbol expected
How am I do with "<html:link" and "<bean:write" but like following???
<a href="javascript penScript('display.jsp?id=<bean:write name="mybean" property="id" />');">my link</a>
20 years ago
Hi Andrew,thanks for your comment.
Section of my assignment,following:

Your choice of RMI or serialized objects will not affect your grade, but no other approach is acceptable. In either case, the program must allow the user to specify the location of the database, and it must also accept an indication that a local database is to be used, in which case, the networking must be bypassed entirely. No authentication is required for database access.

About "the program must allow the user to specify the location of the database".
Is this operation taked place in server-side or client-side?
Where does the button(or menu item) which touchs off upper event place?
Another question:
What's the single mode flag?
There is a section saying from this thread by Andrew.

The user selects what mode to run it in by using a parameter on the command line:

  • java -jar runme.jar - the client starts up in networked mode
  • java -jar runme.jar alone - the client starts up in non networked mode
  • java -jar runme.jar server - the server starts up

  • Is there a direct way to implement?
    I have a indirect way,following:


    a command of this exact form:

    Please comment,thanks.
    [ September 19, 2003: Message edited by: xi ruo ]
    Hi Andrew:
    If I do not use a JDialog.
    Where is JEditorPane placed?
    What's contents in the userguide?
    Use a JDialog and a JEditPane to implement online-help,OK or not?
    thanks for all replyer:
    Now I decide to use a GUI for server-side,following:
    One JFrame - title is "serverFrame",include three JButton;
    |-- setting JButton - open a JDialog which called "serverSetting" to set
    |-- startup JButton - startup the rmi server
    |-- shutdown JButton - shutdown the rmi server and close serverFrame and exit System
    one JDialog - title is "servetSetting",include:
    |-- JLabel - text is "Data file location"
    |-- JLabel - text is "Server port"
    |-- JTextField - name is "dataFileLocation"
    |-- JTextField - name is "serverPort"
    |-- JButton - name is "selectButton",open a JFileChooser dialog to select the data file location
    |-- JButton - name is "okButton",save the dataFileLocation and the serverPort to a file which called "suncertify.properties" and close the settingDialog
    |-- JButton - name is "cancelButton",cancel all operation in the settingDialog and close the settingDialog
    Please comment.
    Server end,must to specify the location of the database in the file which is "DatabaseImpl.java"??
    In the DatabaseImpl file,must the update and delete methods locking?
    Hi Philippe,thanks for your response.
    I am still little understand.
    When do I specify the location of the database after running?
    What message is stored in the file called suncertify.properties ???
    This is a section of my assignment:

    Network Approaches
    Your choice of RMI or serialized objects will not affect your grade, but no other approach is acceptable. In either case, the program must allow the user to specify the location of the database, and it must also accept an indication that a local database is to be used, in which case, the networking must be bypassed entirely. No authentication is required for database access.

    the program must allow the user to specify the location of the database
    Q:How to specify the location of the database?
    a local database is to be used, in which case, the networking must be bypassed entirely.
    Q:How to understand this section saying?

    Your programs must not require use of command line arguments other than the single mode flag, which must be supported. Your programs must not require use of command line property specifications. All configuration must be done via a GUI, and must be persistent between runs of the program. Such configuration information must be stored in a file called suncertify.properties which must be located in the current working directory.

    Q:What's the single mode flag?
    Q:What's the suncertify.properties file?
    What's the format for this file?
    How to use???

    thanks for your help!!!
    Hi Andrew,

    I assume that the code you posted was just to give an indication of what you intend to do - it is nowhere near complete code.
    As such, you have got the basic calls correct, now all you need is to flesh it out.

    Yes,this is only my notion and unimplemented.
    To your opinion,Is it viable?Another question is that which end is the implementation,server or client?
    [ September 12, 2003: Message edited by: xi ruo ]