
Ranch Hand
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since Oct 30, 2000
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Recent posts by jayram

why not keep all the SQLs in an interface as strings and the using them in classes which are actually querrying the database
22 years ago
I havent done any changes to my config. It hasnt given me any problems for last 3/4 days.
I am getting following exception while using CachedRowSet
sun.jdbc.rowset.CachedRowSet is an abstract class. It can't be instantiated.
ccls_CachedRowSet = new CachedRowSet();
The program works fine most of the time and suddenly gives this error. Same problem when using it with Resin. But in this case the problem occurs more often. Any solutions???
Can anyone please clarify whats exact difference between a Statement and a PreparedStatement?? From what i can understand Statements are parsed and compiled every time it is executed while PreparedStatement is precompiled. Does that mean that if same querry is executed by multiple clients at different instances of time and if it is executed using PreparedStatement it will not be parse compiled for each client request?? Is this a guranteed behaviour across different JDBC drivers and databases??
Can anyone please provide the comparison between above 3 JSP engines. Which has better perfromance??Stability?? Anyone of you ever experienced any problems running these on linux/IBM's JDK1.3??
22 years ago
I am not very sure why they are still using it. But i think they dont want to move away from it because they think dumb terminals dont have any software maintianance costs. Also their users (500) are very much used to that environment so they dont want to change the console based interface. Now I am really at loss on how to do this in java ...maybe i need to see their architecture first...
I am just hoping to meet someone who has been in this DT hell before...
22 years ago
One of my clients wants to migrate his current systems to J2EE based systems. Server side is not a problem but all his client machines are dumb terminals. They use APT which comes with sybase database to provide a console based front end on these dumb terminals. They dont want to dump these dumb terminals. I have no clue how to handle this in Java. Anybody got any ideas?? Any articles?? Plz let me know
22 years ago
well thats what i did atlast. Went to 'customer' listing of all appserver vendors. But i wanted to know about first hand experiences who have actually worked on some of these sites. Anyways my problem got solved..
22 years ago
none so far???/
22 years ago
we are debating how JSP/Servlet architecture is better than CGI/Perl. I have put up all the usual points. Now i want a list of high traffic/high performance sites (like amazon) which are running on JSP's
Plz send me a list of all such sites
22 years ago
add www.mozilla.org to the list. Its not directly related to java but it would prove to be a great help for revival of client side java
then there is axis.
I have a doubt about Action bean in struts. The perform method in org.apache.struts.action.Action class expects parameters like ServletRequest/ServletResponse ..and so on. How do I use these action beans in non-serlvet environment. I want my action bean only to be bothered about DB access and business logic.
22 years ago
Hello ..
I would like to implement something similart to auto incrementing primary key field in xml. Any ideas how this can be achieved in xml??
As mentioned by other posters its not possible to reverse a string in java as strings are immutable. You need to either use StringBuffer or read your String in reverse order character at a time into an array and then create a "new" string object out of this array. Remember this is still a "new" object.
Your code is not reversing a String.You'r just reading the characters in reverse order and printing them to console but your orginal String object is still unchanged. Kawaii has given code which should work correctly and solve your purpose
23 years ago
I think you need to use CachedRowSet for this purpose. Plz checkout this article for more