Aj Mathia

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 11, 2003
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Recent posts by Aj Mathia

are we not one big happy family
16 years ago
wow you guys have all the luck, i could really use the millions to invest in IPOs of McScrewed.U Inc
16 years ago
I would make sure my will, account nominees, insurance etc are in order.
Then i would like to meet all the funeral arrangements .
once thats all take care of i would like to spend the rest of the time with my dear ones.
16 years ago
SRK will make money the same way as Football/Rugby clubs make money by this venture.
16 years ago
Its a indian thing.
A simple lookup on wikipedia gave me these.

SRK = Shahrukh Khan

IPL = Indian Premier League

Crore = Crore

INR = Indian rupee

I took the liberty of rephasing one of your comments

IPL = Some large corporate? Probably based in India since most JR topics that make no sense TO ME tend to be discussions of an Indian domestic nature.

16 years ago
I never speak the truth.
oops so is that a lie?
16 years ago
You would have to register the patent on the other systems before it can have a legal standing
16 years ago

Originally posted by Prad Dip:

1 lac = 1,00,00

You missed a 0
1 lakh = 1,00,000
17 years ago
Life is beautiful because its yours till you die.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Ashok Mash:
IMHO, while the poor infrastructure is a major problem, it only comes second to general publics lack of awareness of road rules!

About 98% (I just made that up, but I don't want to say ALL) of Indian drivers don't understand even the concept of 'right-of-way'. If you ask average person on the road who has right of way, they probably would say something like "everyone, its a free country and everyone has the right to use the road".

People who get their Driving license by the right process are aware of 'right-of-way'.
The problem lies more in the fact that you can get away with whatever you do.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Mapraputa Is:
As it turned out, Russians and Filipinos share one particular superstition: if a spoon falls down, it means you will be visited by a woman. If a fork followed the same route, it means you will be visited by a man.

Now a lot of single people are going to toss around their forks and spoons.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Rahul Bhattacharjee:

Credit card would be a good option to consider.

COD is my favorite.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Pat Farrell:
will they bake a file into a cake for delivery to a prison?

They used too till a prisoner's family filed a law suit against them when the prisoner choked on the file.
They missed the thin file line.
17 years ago