Anil Vupputuri

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since Oct 31, 2000
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Recent posts by Anil Vupputuri

Hi Jeff,

Welcome. I am newbie to Mobile development. What are the bare minimum logistics required for Android development. I know for building applications for iPhone, one has to pay membership fee and purchase simulator, so what's up for Android.

And also people say Android is open source where as for iPhone, it is not. So, what exactly is an open source here. Thanks.
14 years ago

Does your book mention any pitfalls or antipatterns related ORM frameworks such as Hibernate.

Hi Opher,

Does your book emphasize on,

1) Pitfalls of not using any Event Processing framework

2) Building our own framework implementing EDA?

2) Complex Event Processing (CEP) frameworks such as Drools


14 years ago

Opher Etzion wrote:The EPN is a conceptual model, it already have authoring tool that enable population of the model; execution layer that directly implements this model is forthcoming, there are now several examples of using products/open source to implement the use case that accompanies the book based on the modeled example

Does your book highlight any of the open source frameworks such as Esper?

14 years ago

saravanan ragunathan wrote:

Close attention to the program will give you an answer in a minute.
14 years ago

Nestor Mata wrote:
First you need an Apple Mac computer
Is desired that you own an iPhone/iPod Touch, is better if you use it, feel it, know it... get the experience so you can understand how it works and how an app should interact.
You can start with a free developer account, but if you want the full experience and being able to test on an iPhone/iPod Touch you will need to pay your iPhone Developer account for $99/year.

Very informative, that means it needs some $ investment before you reap the benefits. Doesn't Apple have some kind of simulator to test the programs rather testing on real device.
14 years ago
Hi Peter,

Does your book talk about securing Web Services using public - private certificates and keystore?

14 years ago

Paul Fisher wrote:we also introduce some newer strategies for integrating Spring and Hibernate, namely Grails and Roo

It sounds cool

What about integration with plug-ins such as Middlegen.
14 years ago
And also Inheritance mapping, do your book emphasize on polymorphic associations, verbose query statements and performance capabilities.

14 years ago
Hi Brian,

Does your book cover the following topics,

1) Event/Listener model (previously called as Interceptors)
2) Filters
3) Defining custom types (Composite User types)

14 years ago

Paul Fisher wrote:We also tried to highlight potential pitfalls that we have come across ourselves, so that readers of our book can learn from some of our experiences.

Looks like this book is for Advanced developers assuming they already know basic Spring and Hibernate.

Paul Fisher wrote:
Additionally, we included a grails and roo version of our sample application, as well as additional code samples to help illustrate very specific concepts that weren't effectively addressed by the sample application.

Good to see Roo (code generator framework) in your book, not many books out there.
14 years ago

Fred Muhlenberg wrote:

So is fetching complete entities all the time when only certain scalar values are required.

Being a novice with Hibernate, what do you do to address this?
Do you create abridged classes that contain only your pertinent values?


We can acheive this by using SQL query to get a list of scalars instead of generic "select * from"

More on this topic is here.
Hi Srinivas,

Does your book cover the following topics,

1) Event/Listener model (previously called as Interceptors)
2) Filters
3) Defining custom types (Composite User types)


srinivas guruzu wrote:Yes, this book covers topics like Inheritance Mapping

Hi Srinivas,

In Inheritance mapping, do your book emphasize on polymorphic associations, verbose query statements and performance capabilities.


Hi Srinivas,

Does your book discuss on integrating Hibernate with various plug-in's such as Middlegen etc.
