Robert Willems

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since Apr 14, 2003
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Recent posts by Robert Willems


thanks! I found that i should use the @Version annotation to get the required functionality...

Hi all,

just a question i'm puzzling on at the moment. Should JPA implementations throw something like 'ConcurrentModificationException' when two instances of an application modify the same row?

Or in other words: should JPA solve the lost update problem?

Or in even other words:
User A retrieves Record A
User B retrieves Record A
User A updates Record A and stores it
User B updates Record A and stores it (and gets an exception?)

Thanks for any help...


Ps. Using JPA through Spring and implemented by hibernate 3.2
Always a joy to finally find an answer to a question. A bit unfortunate if it is about 30 minutes after posting for help ;-).

But here is the solution:

The PropertyPathFactoryBean can lookup a property of a bean and expose that value as a bean. Cool!

Hi all,

hopefully somebody knows this. With Spring it is easy to set a property of a bean to another bean.

However i need to set the property of a bean to the value of a property of
another bean.

In non-valid Spring xml i would like something like the following

It would set the property named "myProperty" to the valu that was retrieve from the property named "propB" in the bean named "someBean".

Does somebody know if this is possible?

Thanks in advance...

Hi all,

were working here on a intranet application that uses the windows accounts for authentication (JCIFS). But is it possible someway to get the fullname of the user?

It is a little more friendly to say 'Hello Robert' instead of 'Hello rwillems'

Hopefully somebody has a clue...

19 years ago
Unfortunately, we indeed found no 'solution' for the problem... however we could solve it by creating an 'Send email' page to send the email via the server.... now we could use POST request and use "BIG" data...

Luckily our customer didn't see the sending via another emailadres as a problem...

Thanks for your help...

Hi All,

hopefully somebody knows this... we are generating emails in our application that open a "mailto:" link. So a new email message opens in the email client of the user of the application.

However when the URL gets bigger than around 2k (2020 to be precies) characters it starts going wrong.

Does anybody know how to create BIG emails using the mailto: url? Or some other generic way (needs to support Groupwise)...


against expectations... i hink i passed!

Congrats to everybody else!
We've done some projects using Toplink and also 9i databases. The support is quite okay... and all the features are in place. One of the main things i think you should ask yourself is what kind of application server is the application going to run on?

Maybe a seemingly irrelevant question, but if you want to use TopLink you need an Oracle 9iAS license... Hibernate i thought was devoid of such licenses.

Until now we have been able to map everything we needed in Toplink. Although sometimes using a workaround...

We've used BLOB's succesfully using Toplink and the Oracle 9i database.
Also the mapping workbench of toplink is quite good... and i personally like the feature that you don't need an XML to configure your Toplink sessions/server/etc. You can just use classes and methods...

At the moment we are considering looking at Apache OJB and Hibernate, but that is more due to a customer wish to pay less license fees than that Toplink lacks features we need...

Taking the exam in a few hours ;-)))

Name: Robert Willems of Brilman
Date: 04-june-2004
City: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Hi Max,
thanks for your reply... my illusions are totally shattered
... but is it possible to 'count' occurences of a string in a regexp? So i can do something like:
- The selected string has to start with ${
- It has to end with }
Not so difficult until this point ;-), but can you do something like:
- It has to contains as much occurences of { as } ?
Because that was another of the main problems.. if i counted on the wellformedness of the string it would be either to reluctent on grabbing characters (returning ${bla {$bla}) or to greedy (returning ${bla ${bla} ${bla}}bla ${bla})
20 years ago
Hello everybody,
is there a way to get the contextpath a webapplication is configured to without a request? You configure your app-server with that path before getting requests....
In other words can is there anyway i can get the contextpath with only a javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet object?
Thanks in advance...
Robert Willems
20 years ago
Thanks Alan,
too bad regexp's cannot be recursive... Oh well we'll just call it an undocumented restriction that those constructs cannot be nested ;-)))
Thanks for your reply...
Robert Willems
20 years ago
Hi everybody,
i'm using regular expressions to filter thing from a String.
Can a regular expression be recursive?
I need a expression (that works in org.apache.regexp.RE) that parses something like a function. A function starts with '${' and ends with '}'. But in the text between there can also be new 'instances' of ${...}
When parsing the string "bla bla${bla ${bla} ${bla}}bla ${bla} bla" the first thing the epxression needs to give me is "${bla ${bla} ${bla}}"
I'm not very good with expression and have been using \$\{.+?\} as an expression at the moment, but that wont give me the right results.
Does anybody have a good idea for a working expression? Or should i be writing my own parsing routine?
Thanks in advance,
Robert Willems
20 years ago
Hi everybody,
i'm using regular expressions to filter thing from a String.
Can a regular expression be recursive?
I need a expression (that works in org.apache.regexp.RE) that parses something like a function. A function starts with '${' and ends with '}'. But in the text between there can also be new 'instances' of ${...}
When parsing the string "bla bla${bla ${bla} ${bla}}bla ${bla} bla" the first thing the epxression needs to give me is "${bla ${bla} ${bla}}"
I'm not very good with expression and have been using \$\{.+?\} as an expression at the moment, but that wont give me the right results.
Does anybody have a good idea for a working expression? Or should i be writing my own parsing routine?
Thanks in advance,
Robert Willems
20 years ago