com.ext.portlet.notepad.transferable.RemoteDocument: static final long serial VersionUID = 100991064940334783L;
com.ext.portlet.notepad.transferable.RemoteDocumentImpl: static final long serial VersionUID = -3875362439486193205L;
HTTP: javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -116069779446114664, local class serialVersionUID = 6842927725919637215
Applets and Servlet/JSP has no any default connection between each other.
Applets and Servlet/JSP has no any default connection between each other.
If page is readonly, then you can load it in applet from the same record
for each user.
As I said before life cycles of applet and html page are almost the same.
So you can create persistent page (that don't reloads) by using frames or popup windows.
If page is readonly, then you can load it in applet from the same record
for each user.
As I said before life cycles of applet and html page are almost the same.
So you can create persistent page (that don't reloads) by using frames or popup windows.