
Ranch Hand
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since Oct 31, 2000
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Recent posts by Anu

hey guys,

even I have same question....

Pls help.
How does OS handles Address space and Data space in context of threads ?
Pls help me by answering this query.
Tx in advance
22 years ago
What is the difference between abstract methos and a method without any body i.e. only empty braces are given for methos but no body is there.
Why cant we use empty method in the place of abstract method ?
Pls explain the usage/advantages/disadvantages of both....Its urgent !!!
What is the difference between abstract methos and a method without any body i.e. only empty braces are given for methos but no body is there.
Why cant we use empty method in the place of abstract method ?
Pls explain the usage/advantages/disadvantages of both....Its urgent !!!
22 years ago
Is there someone ready to purchase voucher. I can also discount the price more if required.
Pls respond asap.
In market its available for 7000/- I can sell it for 6000/-. Excluding postage charges, which buyer pays.
Pls let me know if u r willing to purchase.
Hi There,
I m ready to send it to another country also. PLs let me know where r u residing.
Hi There,
I have a 2 SCJP vouchers.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances me and my friend are not able to give my exam.
Therefore, I would like to sell my voucher.
Voucher is valid till 31st JAn 2002.
I can also provide reasonable discount on voucher.
Anyone willing to purchase pls get back to me asap.
[email protected]
Can anyone pls send me link to javadocs for same.... !!???
23 years ago
Pls tell me from where can i get SJCP detailed sysllabus .
Tx in advance
How can i call a CORBA object from JavaScript? Can i call it for applet also...if Yes..pls let me know HOW ???

23 years ago
Even i would like to know same as Mr Shahid khan wants know...can anyone pls help...
Mr. Holm :
Does yr book throws some light on Connection pooling. How far does it talks abt Triggers, functions and stored procedures .
pls help me with this asap !!
23 years ago