Vivek Mongolu

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 17, 2003
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Thanks for checking out Tellurium. We are trying to make testing really robust using Groovy/Selenium/JUnit/TestNG. The only problem for not using is creating the UI model, which is collection of dom elements that you want to run tests on. We are trying to solve this problem. Right now we working on firefox plugin to allow users to click on the elements and convert the elements to the UI Model which they can copy and paste in their Unit test. Hopefully that will drive more users to start using Tellurium framework.

BTW, we use Dojo heavily in our company. Our client side framework is built on Dijit's widget/event/publish/subscribe..

Thanks for the reply. I will check out DOH, but at your convenience check out our Tellurium and let us know how we can improve.

Do you cover how to create custom widgets in Dojo and also how to unit test them. Do you talk about any unit testing frameworks to test custom widgets?

The reason I ask is, we have been working on open source Tellurium Automated Testing Framework ( ) using Selenium and Groovy. We have created a test for Dojo' date picker widget. Its also really easy to create tests for other widgets too. Just curious if there is another unit testing framework.

Thanks in advance,

I want to start learning EJBs and I want to know which is a good book that discusses EJBs development on WebLogic Server. I have no clue abt either EJBs or Web Logic Server, although I have good experience in Servlets,JSPs, Struts ..etc

Thanks in advance

19 years ago

I have cleared the SCWCD exam with 92% today. My sincere thanx go to all the folks in java ranch, Head First Servlet and JSP authors(truly this is an amazing book), Whizlab and Mikalai Zaikin.

I took most of the mock exams available online and also purchased the Whizlab testing kit. The reason I bought this kit was some of the free exams are based on the old objectives. Their questions are a little bit tougher than the real one, but they do have a nice explanation for each question. I used to get about 80% in all their exams.

For my preparation I read the HFSJ twice and made some notes along the way. I also studied the API's for the classes and interfaces used in the book.
I took the HFSJ final mock exam two days before the test and I got around 73%, (+20% still holds). Also read the Study guide by Mikalai Zaikin twice.

Well, regarding the exam, I did well on JSP stuff although I could have done better on the Patterns. Try reading patterns from the Sun website.couple of questions on the exam, the answers given were wrong, but then I picked the best out of worst. Anyways I am happy that I got good score.

its party time !!!

Thanks again to everyone

Thanks, I recieved the UCF file today and the simulator is working fine.

I purchased the whizlab simulator software and I was trying to activate the software with the information they provided but it wouldnt let me register. I even tried to get the UCF file from the website and thats still giving me error. I have already sent them an email.

I am positng this here cause I noticed on this forum ppl reporting this prob nd getting a quick reponse from the whizlab support.

please help me. I need this resolved pretty soon.

I have been prep for SCWCD for a while and I jes have one quick question. I have seen the list of mock exams on the links page but I am wondering if I complete that list, will that be all or do I need to purchase either JWebPlus or WhizLab kit. I am planning to take the test real soon, any suggestions ??

Hey Sandeep,
I would say first get through with ur F1 Visa interview and then you can start prep for SCWCD. I am also prep for SCWCD and I find "Head First Servlets and JSP by Kathy Sierra, Bryan Basham and Bert Bates" very helpful and from wht I read in this forum its all you need to clear the exam. Prep really depends on how well you know Servlets 2.4 and JSP2.0 and certainly varies from person to person. So I would Start with the book, read it once and take a sample test.

which Univ are u goin for

Good Luck

PageContext has another method findAttribute() which searches for the named attribute starting with page,then request, then session and then application scope. Once it finds the attribute in any of the scopes, that value is returned and it stops right there.

So the answer is definitely PageContext
Doesnt the Filters need to implement all three methods
init(), doFilter() and destroy()?

I think the answer is A,B,C. Correct me if I am wrong
Is there an easy way to print all the pages of the Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin. the link just takes you to the index page, so if you wnat to print then you'll have click the link and then print. Is there another link that shows the entire document?

Thanks in advance
Can anybody tell me how do I upload multiple files using Struts. I am able to upload one file.

For one file upload, this is the entry in the struts-config.xml file
<form-property name="attachment" type="org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile"/>

and it works great.

to accept multiple files, I changed the entry to

<form-property name="attachments" type="org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile[]"/>

I dont know how the view page should be. right now all I did was iterate and output this line
<input type="file" name="attachments" />

I got this exception when I submit the page.
org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConversionException: Cannot assign value of type 'org.apache.struts.upload.CommonsMultipartRequestHandler$CommonsFormFile' to property 'attachments' of type '[Lorg.apache.struts.upload.FormFile;'

Thanks in advance,
19 years ago